
I’m fairly certain it’s meant over the long term due to the fat.

He was just riffing on the fact that it’s fatty as hell.

Former Microcenter computer tech here.

Thank you, Kirk’s alt


By far the most memorable was the New Donk City Festival sequence in Mario Odyssey.

Getting the contrast in taste and opinion from everyone at the end of the year is one of my favorite parts of the end-year round-ups.

Prouder than yours, probably.

I see. That would cost Nintendo a butt load of money if they included it in box instead of selling it separate. I highly doubt anyone didn’t buy the Switch because of this exclusion.

(I’ve never ran out of charge on the Joy Con. I’m not even sure what the battery life is on them. It has to be 5+ hours.)

That’s nothing new. This guy with the mustache and a wig has been doing it for a while:

I’m honestly not the slightest bit bothered with higher cover prices/DLC costs. That’s what game companies should have done.

Sounds like 11% of parents need to start paying more attention to their kids online habits.

Why would you not read the article

I find it odd that you declare things like LoL and Dota as only loose MOBA games when that genre specifical came about because of DOTA, not the Steam version, the original Warcraft II version. There was no “MOBA” game before Warcraft III - There may have been Multiplayer games that were online and had battles. . .but

Okay, okay. Hold on. The post you’re referring to did not call for game developers to “take a game option away from everyone.” It was a trend piece. I noticed that two big new Ubisoft games (ACO and FC5) both had compasses in place of minimaps, and saw that as a possible sign that more open-world games in the future

Speaking of weird insecurities, here you are angrily questioning the masculinity of a stranger because he wants to play a game on easy mode.

Go fuck yourself.

Holy fuck these comments... What is wrong with you people? It’s a marriage proposal, it’s adorable and amazing and you idiots take your soap box to say some of the most vile shit, even for a Kotaku comment section. Who let the 4chan kids in?

I think this goes against the “no items” tournament stipulation...

Please, please do not show this to middle schoolers. It is definitely not safe for work/school.