Solid Pupper

Black Lightning came after Black Panther, Falcon, Luke Cage, Storm, and John Stewart (Green Lantern) but he was the first black American hero (not counting Black Panther who’s an African King and counting Storm, who I think had an African American parent) who wasn’t a (framed) convict (Cage) a mind altered pimp who

A fine question! Morbid curiosity, I assume. Or whatever other explanations exist. The same stupid reason I always look at the comments on any number of Bleeding Cool articles involving Marvel despite knowing there’s an astronomically high chance most of them will be terrible.

Hell of a thing to have Roland S. Martin delivering that bit of exposition, too. 

A promising start. Although there will be a focus on BL’s daughters, I’m hopeful it will avoid the sometimes crippling soap opera elements on shows like Arrow and Supergirl.

Barry “secret prisons are fine, but I draw the line at perjury” Allen is at it again. This ep was just so boring... I mean we didn’t even find out anything about Thinker’s plan. Point A-B without even a small plot concession... come on Flash.

I was initially disappointed that Black Lightning wasn’t going to be connected to the current CW superhero shows, and then I watched the show and damn it’s good on its own.

My enjoyment of that episode is roughly equal to my curiosity as to how long it takes before something like Fox News or some other right wing whatsit begins wailing about how the show is totally anti-cop/white/etc.

“I might actually need these coins,” I thought to myself, “when I literally and actually die.”

The part where it gets really meta is when in-game digital entertainment company Mintendo starts issuing copyright strikes against her channel, and she has to cope with the sudden loss of revenue.



Yaaaaaaaay!!! You did good.

Oh, you mean this classic gem?

Some of us are still here. 

It comes from the ellipsis-riddled tagline of the Sean Penn movie.

Ah, Nicole. So nice of you to visit us this holiday season.

HEY! Freedom-hating, communist AV Club fucks! I’ll have you Maoist morons know that Slamma Jamma is a movie that is bigger than its parts! All of them! And those are big parts! I bet you can’t even play basketball! Nerds!

“M...Mom! I-I posted it again!”

Sean Penn may be the most gifted filmmaker I’ve ever read; gifted not just because of his imagination, his energy, his originality, but because he has access to the unutterable, because he can look inside a humanitarian crisis and discover the the banal romance clichés. For twenty-six years he has been making films