this is true, i have been wearing the same shoes for about 3 years now.
this is true, i have been wearing the same shoes for about 3 years now.
White people, it has been 2020 for 6 days! 6!!! Control yourselves!
This was a perfectly fine but too brief sports article. Damn I miss Deadspin.
Honestly, I feel like the answer is less in the specifics and more in the amount of work woc have to do to land in the directors chair in the first place: the barrier of entry for women, and specifically women of color, is so much higher than it is for white men, so when the few of them actually break through, it’s on…
Criticisms of the institutional democratic party are fair.
Well 1 out of 3 is all I give Bernie; there is/was nothing in Bernie’s income-blind, colorblind rhetoric for poor and black voters, which is why he still doesn’t garner their support. What Bernie and his white working-class bros fail to understand is that you can’t run a campaign rife with sexual harassment and gender-…
100%. I was a big Bernie supporter in 2015/2016 in college, but after hearing about his anti-identity politics thing and the fact that he was hypocritical about Hillary soured me on him(He not only voted for the “superpredator” crime bill, but supported the dumping of nuclear waste on a poor Latinx community in Texas…
Which Sentences Do You Think Donald Trump Actually Wrote Himself In His 6-Page Letter to Nancy Pelosi
I heard, but Meghan is too damn humble to ever bring it up ...
But did you know that her father was John McCain? Did you???
In a search for the term “petulant brat” (first phrase that comes to my mind here), three of the first five links included a picture of Meghan McCain.
Omg thank you-that bugged the heck out of me too. How are you going to write a whole ass essay about something and not include a photo of it?
I have a pink one. It weighs nothing, is totally warm and doubles as a blanket.
May God embrace his soul and give spiritual solace to his loved ones.
Hold your loved ones so close. So close. My heart goes out to the Glenn family.
Jesus chill out. No one told me about the danger of mixing. Two different doctors gave me prescriptions and my wife told me I wasn’t breathing when I was sleeping and it Was freaking her out and she was about to call the ambulance if I didn’t wake up. So we figured out what was going on. But sometimes shits going…
I’m just going to keep throwing this out here-knowing that I’ll probably be trolled- My son is in the Army. He and a number of his friends are appalled by Trump. Yes, that’s just one person—but have you ever actually talked the the “most of the younger people” that you speak of?
Gotta give props to dude for having the balls to call u up and open a dialogue.
And, BTW, I don’t think the first part of his sentence is actually inherently incorrect; I wouldn’t even necessarily call it a lie, because he might actually believe it. Everyone can more easily make a goal become real if there is some kind of visual representation of the complete project.