
And that’s why people have trouble taking progressives seriously, either in the context of governing or even campaigning. What’s the point in trying to persuade people who don’t understand that that are a minority bloc in the party and who constantly threaten staying home?

No. That was a plurality. The last time was 1976, where Carter ran against a president who’d never so much as been on a national ticket less than two years removed from when he pardoned Nixon. Carter still only got 50.1 percent of the vote. Before that, it was Johnson a year removed from Kennedy’s assassination.

Or it’s possible Obama knows firsthand that the majority of the country is moderate? A majority of the Democratic party even. So he thinks that getting the votes of a) moderate Democrats, b) independents, and c) Trump voters who voted for him in 2012 (about 13% of Trump voters) will take a more moderate candidate than

It’s one thing to see the misleading NTY’s tweet misquoting him and then firing off angry reactionary tweets, but it’s another to have the full context of his statement and still decide to sit down and write about it and pretend he said something he never said.

Reality bites. This is our reality. Either you vote for the person who is living in reality or you vote for the person who is selling you a pipe dream.

How do you write this blog without the rest of his quote? I mean, he literally says we should push for something greater, he’s just asking those with privilege to consider what they are asking those without privilege to risk in that push.

Literally every single time Charles Dance appears on screen in anything, Game of Thrones, Gosford Park, whatever, I am incapable of stopping myself from yelling: “My dear, sweet brother Numsie!!!”  After his character died on GoT, everyone I know was relieved they wouldn’t have to hear me do that anymore.  Except for

Best Defense was also pretty fun.

Feeling good, Arturo!

Feeling good, Louis!

Looking good, Billy Ray.

i am pretty fucking excited about this. i LOVED BHC when i was a kid. in my head, the golden child is another part of it.

Ugh. It is so gross that she felt that her career required being at weight that was so low it was compromising her fertility (though I’m sure it’s not she “felt” that way but was actively being pressured to be impossibly thin). But at the same time it’s horrid that she then pushed that onto others. The whole culture

It’s called the cut direct and when you deliver the cut you no longer acknowledge that person’s existence even if they’re in the same room with you. (I’ve read alot of Victorian era novels).  

So that’s what she currently tells people. Listen, she’s been telling people her various reasons for nearly two decades. She once said she couldn’t gain weight(referring to her discussion with her doctor about gaining weight for fertility issues?) because of her job. It’s always something. Rachel Zoe used to always

Agree that body shaming is problematic, but describing her as “naturally petite” or “traditionally attractive” helps perpetuate the myth that women in entertainment are just naturally thin, and that is the definition of traditional attractiveness.

fucking duh dude.

Obama’s greatest strength is also his biggest weakness. He’s always the optimist, believing in the best of humanity, even as humanity fails repeatedly. It was what we needed in 2008, it what we needed in 2012, it was what we needed in 2016.

In many ways, Mitch McConnell is worse than Donald Trump.

Same with Joyce Beatty, I wonder what they have in common that makes certain people ignore them *wink wink nudge nudge*