“I wonder if Aiden wouldn’t have been better suited to Dragula than Drag Race”
“I wonder if Aiden wouldn’t have been better suited to Dragula than Drag Race”
I started this season rooting for Aiden, as a fellow GA Peach, but gurl... When you are a pin-up adjacent brunette Queen from (close to) Atlanta, you will always be compared to former winner, Violet Chachki. The difference is blinding now and I wonder if Aiden wouldn't have been better suited to Dragula than Drag Race.
Hot damn...I feel this image in my ovaries and I’m a man. *fans self like a southern belle*
you know that’s actually bullshit, and there’s literally no way it can be proved?
you’re just going to take THIS administration’s word for it? just like that?
Wether I agree with you or not, this is much more well written and thought provoking than the above article.
Yeah, based off own anecdotal observations, seems like Bernie supporters very much didn’t understand how much people didn’t like him. It seems you either love him or hate him, not a lot in between, and unfortunately for him, there are a lot more people in the second category.
Those aren’t winner take all states. They’re just states that Sanders is so unpopular in that he can barely clear the line of viability. And no, it’s not a little funny that southern states with large black populations get counted in the primary. Nor would it be very funny if they weren’t.
Here we go again. Blame everyone except low voter turnout among the age groups where Bernie has the widest support...
Voting is up from 2016. The black vote is up. As opposed to 2016 white people like Biden as opposed to Hillary and no one knew how bad Trump would be... well black folks did but I digress. White people did not understand that Trump was a horror show. The conditions are entirely different.
Vote by mail. Vote by absentee ballot. Vote early. There are other options available and please spare me the “it’s easier for the 65+ set to stand in line all day than young people” line.
Would you tell the 1,923,685 million Georgians who voted for Stacey Abrams to stay home because “Republicans always win this state?”
What does it mean for your vote to “matter”? This is a country of 300 million people and in the neighborhood of 120 million voters. Most of those people vote in noncompetitive districts. That’s what gerrymandering has offered us.
Just because you voted for someone who didn’t win doesn’t mean your vote doesn’t matter.
Down-ballot races are just as important, and in some ways more important, than the presidential vote, and they are places where your vote carries much more weight. Republicans won big in 2010-16 by running for everything down to local dog catcher, and wrapped up dozens of state governments as a result.
If you care , then you have to register and change the party from inside. There is a great analysis on vox. If you want to make inroads on progressive issues with African American electorate, you can’t go shitting on the democratic party as establishment. That was Sanders’s mistake and he never recovered.
Bernie wins twitter primary everytime. Social media organizing does squat and African Americans truly only get behind people that they know unless it’s a once in a lifetime candidate like Obama is what I learned. And African Americans vote every single time. They show up. If you saw the clip of the two Biden voters…
That being said, I will watch another season.
The only way you can prove love is blind is by NEVER seeing the other person while also doing things like shopping at Ikea, cleaning the bathroom, fighting over money etc. This experiment was more like “will you stick around for camera time for a little bit of fame, while also destroying another person’s emotions?”…