
This is what happens when your only two categories are “violent Islamic extremist terrorist” and “perfectly swell white guy”

Speaking of Fox News, look at this shit::

This is the plot of Speed 3. The bus will blow up if the team it is carrying goes below .500.

Than be president? I’ll agree to that.

Gronk looks like he’s constantly showing women the IMDB page for The Entourage Movie.

Boston sucks as a whole. Absolutely dreaded my time there. Food was decent.

Is this the movie poster for Rocky IV Loko?

I imagine the relationship between Gronk and Belichick is similar to that of Forrest Gump and Bear Bryant.

You guys have the best ‘u’s and swears.

So true

in one email he wrote, “Unless it’s a knighthood fuck off”

I’ve always found ridiculous that Democrats want to out-patriotism Republicans when patriotism, especially American patriotism, is a super fucked up impulse.

eerily perfect synergy between user name and image posted


My god, the Massacre on Bleecker Street.

The Bleecker St Massacre #neverforget

Let’s have a moment of silence for the victims of the Bleecker Bike Swerve Massacre.

Thoughts and prayers, friend.

“spokesman for white America Bill O’Reilly”