It would have been nice if Formula E’s chosen US broadcast partner hadn’t cut to commercial JUST AS WEHRLEIN WAS SETTING UP THE PASS FOR THE LEAD. And we never got a replay of it. It was bad enough that the race was aired a day late.
It would have been nice if Formula E’s chosen US broadcast partner hadn’t cut to commercial JUST AS WEHRLEIN WAS SETTING UP THE PASS FOR THE LEAD. And we never got a replay of it. It was bad enough that the race was aired a day late.
But the BLM protests were all cleared out before the day was over. They were cleared out with tear gas and batons and whatnot. They were not allowed to block any major thoroughfare. And several states passed laws allowing people to drive over BLM protesters, remember?
The only actual arrests made for arson during George Floyd were white nationalist agent provocateurs and Boogaloo Bois. We know their names and everything
Say "I'm a racist piece of shit" without saying it directly. Lol
FWIW, I’m not a big fan of BLM blocking roads either.
Creating conditions where so many people will suffer. Look at the shit they have already done. Canadian citizens are suffering because of the ignorance of those so-called “protesters.” Mostly they are just whiny ass little kids who didn’t get their way. Seems they don’t want to drive those trucks so maybe they should…
90% of truckers are vaccinated. And if some truckers die because they aren’t vaccindated, that percentage will actually go up!
Yes. And screw all the comparisons to BLM.
Ahh, yes, the Snopes standard
i have no problem calling for the violent quashing of any “protest” where a bunch of fucking assholes are carrying nazi flags. fuck ‘em.
Lets also talk about the number of white folks with southern accents I saw breaking in doors of liquor stores and setting them on fire during the Minneapolis protests. As someone who lives basically at ground zero in Minneapolis, I can assure you it wasn’t the BLM people lighting things on fire.
And the cops got out their night sticks, flash bangs and tear gas for the BLM. I guess they learned their lesson now?
How is this different from BLM protesters blocking roads last year?
No, they weren’t.
You know who did burn cities?
White people have burned whole Black communities to the ground, then stolen that land, and put their own cities up instead.
So, one difference between, say, a protest, a legal protest, and the activities you mention, is that no, despite what right wingers say, people…
Were the BLM protesters blocking the busiest border crossing between the US and Canada?
Stop calling it the “Freedom Convoy”. That gives it a veneer of respectability.
I’m sure they’ll work out that they are part of one, and start surrendering, when the military starts shooting them as combatants.
Declare it an armed insurrection, respond accordingly.