
Jezebel has been beyond snarky this week, did the staff let their middle school cousins takeover?

Funny thing is, I wish I was rich so I could avoid talking to people, especially strangers.

This is ridiculous. It’s is like cutting off your nose to spite your face and then crying about the void in the middle of your head. It’s like getting liposuction and longing for your fat cells.

And just like that - POOF! - all mentions of $25 million dollar fraud-settlement, business meetings with Indian business partners, Ivanka sitting in on the meeting with Japanese leader - gone. Scrubbed, completely, from our collective memory. Hey, at least it’s tidy! 

Treating women’s bodies as a commodity to be consumed is an unacceptable and pernicious trend that needs to be called out.

This is a distraction.

Did Trump just request a safe space?

I am convinced it’s a combo of cheek fillers, bad eyeliner, and that face you make when trying to understand a language you don’t speak well.

I always used to assume it was heavy-handed cosmetic procedures. Lately, I’ve started to wonder if she really needs her vision corrected, but won’t, for obvious reasons.

Why? Teevee doctors are great!

Two things about Ronan Farrow: 1.) He can get it; and 2.) Every time I see that kid he looks more like Frank Sinatra.

Love it when wealthy insulated people who can run away talk about “the revolution.” Seriously, fuck this woman. I don’t think she had an actual impact on the election, she’s not relevant enough to swing more than maybe a dozen voters, but I am disgusted by her glib attitude.

The fact that he’s still under the impression that people want to be “in suspense” about what he’s doing with the government is mind boggling. How many years will it take him to realize the presidency is not a reality TV show? What a fucking gong show.

Yeah. I know Donald Trump has, like, fried our brains re: sex but a “technically legal” and “consenting” relationship does not mean that it’s a healthy one.

How about when Michelle Obama was pilloried for buying clothes for herself and her daughters from J. Crew? Or, shock/horror, wearing a designer gown at a State occasion?

Oh god, my FB memories just recently showed me a post I made about what an apocalyptic nightmare scenario a Romney presidency would be. I want to find a time machine and go pat my past self on my little head and tell myself “oh just you wait my precious, naive little flower. Just you wait”.

They have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing

Jez should create a living document of all these stories. There are already hundreds and it’s been four days.

People think the worst things about the Trump presidency is that Donald Trump is a hate-spewing, divisive narcissist with no experience or plan.

But the worst thing for me is that Mitch McConnell is happy.

It’s that look... like when you squeeze out a fart, but maybe shit yourself.