
You gotta be shitting me, 21 people think the 125 minute abridged movie version of Akira is considered better than Otomo’s original 2000 page magnum opus? What are those 21 people smoking?!?

There was a grim dark period in comic books. Unfortunately Warner Brothers got this insane idea that grim dark was the only period in comic book history and decided they would offer up nothing in their movies for the comic book fans of eras other than the brief grim dark era.

It’s not a matter of being “always set on nice sunny days,” but of a grimdark tone of sour misery that’s pervasive, but lacking real content or weight. Pivotal scenes in MoS take place on clear, sunny days, but there is literally no joy in the whole damn thing, and setting other scenes in nearly indecipherable

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?