
Actually it’s almost the same story: If you recline and there is an accident the reclined position might make it difficult for the person behind you to quickly exit their sitting. Since most accident are in take off and landing that’s the time they ask you to not recline.

You’re a funny one: by definition the only new games supporting the ps4 pro on a launch day would have to be launched the same day.

Have you ever worked on the game industry ? There can be multiple reasons for pushing a game to be released unfinished while counting on a day 1 patch, contractual reasons, ‘we’re out of money’ reasons, ‘we can’t miss this precise date’ reason, etc.. They might not be all good ones, and as a player/consumer you’re

When I first saw it I actually though that in the movie’s future asian culture (don’t remember if it was supposed to be korean or Chinese) was so prevalent that the characters were supposed to be white people undergoing surgery to look more asian....