
Need to find that 'take my money' fry gif.

Do you work for Oracle?

The first three items you mentioned are WAY better smoking guns than the last one. I don't care about a $20 investment in verizon when I probably own more than that and I don't even know it given how many funds and ETFs own verizon.

Any investment at all could be considered a conflict of interest for policy making people. By this reasoning, these individuals would need to put all of their money in an FDIC insured savings account and earn at most 2% on their savings. That's fine and all, but we as the tax paying citizens, would then need to fork

The term 'invested amounts' here does not mean the purchased investment, it appears to me to be the current value of their investments. I could be wrong, but that's not only how I interpreted the article but how I interpret the source site:…

Before I get going: I want to say I think you did a fine job writing up this article. I think you do a great job here on the giz. I usually don't like to start bitchy comment things, like the below, but I really disagree with the premise on this article. Your skills are evident, but I think the logic here is whack.

Thanks, I am actually aware of what net worth is, and how investments work. This article correctly communicates that the 'investment amounts' listed are indeed the current estimated values of the person's holdings in the companies. Please see:…

You gotta be joking. The investment and profit amounts you are talking about here are ridiculously small. Everyone with a share of the QQQ technically owns part of these companies. How many mutual funds hold these companies???

Resonance can be faked on electronic instrumentation if the producer is extremely diligent, but what you are really speaking to is variability. The fact that there is a musician in a booth PLAYING through the song, not a computer loop, introduces subtle variances in the performance so it isn't perfect. This is how we

Well thankfully I've never actually caused anyone permanent hearing loss, except maybe myself. But I still got a 5/5 on this. Was just pointing out that most people don't care enough to let a non-lossless mp3 ruin their evening at the events where I play.

I wasn't saying one was any better than the other, I like a lot of different genres and some genres are better with more electronic instrumentation than others. Just pointing out that what one may perceive as an artifact from compression could just be an analog noise.

So you just bump your phone to the store's ipad to pay? Couldn't that be done with existing apps already outside of square?

Hahaha yea i loved the level editing capabilities of some of those old school games. Hell even counter strike had some tools available, but i never had the patience to do that crap. But one time I went to a LAN party (the only time I've ever gone to one). Back before there was such a thing as a gaming laptop we had to

i got 5/5 on a pair of sony mdr cans out of my stock built in PC card here. I disagree about electronic being less noticable than classical. If anything it's easier. A cleanly recorded synth track straight out of a PC has zero noise artifacts. A cleanly recorded analog track of a beautiful piano has potential for room

Haha i own a DJ company and I get people asking me all the time about this crap. Or at least I used to, no one has asked in a couple years now that everyone gave up and bought their mp3s off amazon. Truth is - i'm probably going to tear out your own ear drum with the volumes I can push before you notice that the MP3s

Wolfenstein 3D was the first one I really got obsessed with.

Hello? Hello? *talking into a wall*

lol that was great

i'll show you MY bulging.. di wait sorry, we're being serious here, my bad.