you had me at 'director of time bandits'
you had me at 'director of time bandits'
not a fan of the white vertical rectangle on the back side of what i assume is the bridge. i get that it's probably just concealing the radar etc, but i don't like the way it looks. not to say that i wouldn't absolutely love owning that boat... lol
interesting... anxiously awaiting a reply to see whats up
normal people make burritos cause they are fast and one can start shoving their face sooner...
i dunno that it's negative reinforcement... obviously you have to turn the lights on to do something, but you can encourage your kid to make the switch happy when you're done by turning the lights off. A simple explanation like "he understands that you have to use the light sometimes, but it really makes him happy…
no he said in the video it's "Clive Johnson". Relation to Cave Johnson perhaps...
lol "having been fired 3,000 feet into the air before exploding in a stunning display." that's some great detail to include on an insurance claim. thats too funny. Funny article Jamie.
may i recommend a picture that is not of a lamp but of an example of a building?
why two kindle fire 7" at different price points in the top left cell? never mind, special offers vs not.
Yes i am aware, i want to see more about Clive and what he does though. Behind every good jazz musician is a dorky white guy?
i want to see a post about the geek behind the computer in the background clive...
water as an insulator... huh interesting.. can the radiation be removed so the water could be consumed? What about waste? Could urine be cleaned up so to also act as an insulator?
I'd rather just buy a plotter... that would be SWEET to have.
that is pretty cool... wonder how much it costs vs the fines the epa could levy against cities for not having smog control...
that's an oversize print she's got... not an 8.5 x 11...
oh man, i love the way he says cookie lol. this guy has a great voice.
ok... so now i'm going to need to buy a plotter for my 8 year old to print shit that's gonna go on my fridge for a couple weeks...
this is awesome. i want a poster of a still from :30 blown up on my wall. lol
can't say i didn't do the same with pages littered with formulas for my engineering class (read: tests in said engineering classes)
lol that's awesome