
that's like... not even 8 hours of work a day... assuming this is for weekdays, the average person works from 9 till about 3:30 or 4. Fking slackers.

You didn't mention the racial stuff everyone here (in KC) [and by everyone i mean only the media] is focused on.

paper is paper right? if its been printed in a mint, painted by picasso, or wiped my ass, it has the same value right?

are you kidding? instant grat and the impulse purchase are some of the most successful and ancient tools employed by retailers throughout history.

i'd say 95% of netflix users agree with you. the other 5% are using their parents' account.

VOTE: ProTools

"Disco Fish". If that isn't a band name already, I'm totally taking it.

Gates Foundation doesn't have enough money to cure malaria, HIV, or the food shortage, or water shortage problems of the world, and stay profitable. Because no one has that amount of wealth.

THIS is what I'm most concerned about. Not just food though, water too.

I never said anything about pharma... or the researchers intentions...

haha at least someone gets my point now. lol i promise i wasn't intentionally trolling!

i agree on the productivity thing. i just thought the sentence about "now HIV will crumble before us" is a little too optimistic.

... i agree with you... but that isn't likely to impact the hunt for a cure to HIV. imho.

Assuming this works, i would think that an equal or greater amount of resources is going to be required to start solving problems like the water crisis and food shortages. I'm all for a 24% decrease in child deaths. Hopefully the support will be there for them to live full and happy and prosperous lives.

sure productivity in general will go up. but i dont know how many of those folks will be working on HIV. I just think it's a little goofy to think "hey now that we got this, HIV cure is going to be so much faster!"

wait wait. solving malaria would allow them to focus on bigger issues? Why are they focused here at all if there are bigger issues? How many people are working on malaria right now? After this goes into production and wipes it out, how many of those people will work on HIV? I don't see that it's going to make much a

not likely. they are proprietary. square register. Presonus StudioLive Remote.

How about Crashplan for the folder on your computer? If you just want a backup and don't care too much about the sharing etc seems like this might be the way to go. Just use your computer to view pictures, and store a backup online?

ok but the two apps i need so i can call this a business expense are still ipad only. Come on

that's not how you eat orange tic tacs... you have to open the container properly, by completely removing the white plasticy piece. Then invert the clear container over your open mouth.