
neither. we'll be smoking pork shoulders with wood. low and slow, that is the tempo.

yup i'm impressed.

Typically when a company gets nailed like this by storms, Mutual Assistance kicks in and the companies all call each other to get help from companies that didn't experience such storms. The worst part is that the storms that caused huge outages further to the east, sucked up all the mutual assistance! Most companies

I have (because i ahve some cards that I've had forEVER). But the biggest pain are the cheaper ID cards I have from several places. the pictures and numbers etc wear off after a year or two in a thin wallet.

its kind of cool, would protect credit cards etc better than the current foldable versions do. Conversely they would be less comfortable to sit on.

as long as i can still open a run dialog, i'll be able to continue going 90% of my day without ever touching a mouse.

i hadn't watched the video yet but i just youtubed it. yeah it is a google hangout with a head mounted camera. made possible by wifi. Diaz, i'm not usually on board with your opinions, but you are dead on with this.

i use voice commands while i'm driving a TON

the thumbnail for this article had a play button like it was a video... where's the video?

i personally would love to have a a projector blasting pics that are taken live at events up at the event. That would be freakin great.

ok so the scanner lights (the ones on the stage pointing up that rotate) point at the devices which have mirrors. Really awesome. But is everything just preprogrammed or is it actually done with some form of intelligence? IE, do the scanner lights look for a particular copter? Then the copter spins to do the cool

what's amazing to me is that the brain, in almost all things, compensates for whatever reality might present to us. So it tries to correct and process something as is most likely to actually occur in nature. You see someone say Fa but even though the sound overlaid is Ba, you hear Fa. The same is true with many other

oh finally! I hope this is as good as suse studio!

would be interesting to see them develop some kind of droppable hamster ball type crew carrier thing. The chopper swoops in and swings this ball down the street, crushing several enemies. It comes to rest and a huge plume of smoke envelops the area as the top blows off (scattering shrapnel everywhere). A dozen marines

i really dont need an internet device. but it would be fun to have one. My wife loves her kindle, but she got it when she didn't have a very usable laptop. Now I would flip my mind on that if i could do netflix, but download the movie at home and watch it on the go w/o internet.

that's cool and all, but hardly mind blowing. (i am a lumia 900 owner). This just doesn't impress me much.

Because remotes can be super uber cheap if only built with the minimum required hardware. Instead, somebody needs to make some software to run on peoples' mobiles. That way the software can be updated / configured / whatever. Just hasn't hit the remote market because you'd still need the proper hardware to make it

i still see pinks though?

the video isn't showing up. adblock here is preventing the ads from showing i think, but the video isn't there for me to click on. same on the front page. :/

Do pinks still have to be approved etc?