the drum sounds look like they are coming from a drum machine though. cheater.
the drum sounds look like they are coming from a drum machine though. cheater.
finally! This is relevant to something!
i've heard that before, didn't know it was its own thing though.
good article brian. The only suggestion i'd have is to change the word "random" in the last sentence to "irrational".
lol sam this is an awesome article thanks. I can't tell you how happy i was when i finally got out of IT and into operations. The problem was that apparently i was the only brogrammer there. At least here I can still be nerdy, but my colleagues, scratch that bros, will go out for a beer after work.
yes, in america
at least that's what i experienced when i worked at a company that designs and builds power plants (but we only did one or two nukes while i was there)
should be but isn't. It takes something like 30 years to get through the regulatory and design processes alone. It probably only takes 5 years for actual construction, but then you still have to procure and clear the fuel, etc. Start to finish, the fastest you could put one up if you decided today that you wanted one,…
The lack of holiday birthdays might correspond to doctor schedules, I would expect that there are fewer c-sections and less induced labor when the number of doctors hanging about declines.
it takes 50+ years to build a nuke plant. Electronics manufacturers / designers are not the proper company to build nuke plants. Its up to the electric utilities to do this. Not that Apple couldn't encourage or invest in utilities to make that happen, or even buy into some of the distributed generation projects going…
$150 RC cars?? Jeez its been awhile since i've been a kid but surely you could get one much cheaper than that
so the million dollar question: what muscle is it actually FROM?
ok someone needs to buy a ton of these and just hang them all over the city.
hahaha i loved PLCs. If i could stand IT, i would prefer to code PLCs. But alas my home is operations and never again will i go to IT (unless i get laid off or something again knock on wood)
while i completely agree that most politicians probably dont need to code, especially ones in higher positions where they are very busy and have underlings, i have to say it is important for our generation and politicians included to being to learn the fundamentals of maybe not code, but at least of databases.
here's a different soundtrack for the clip above
this isn't quite so EPIC. but it's pretty epic.
its actually worse than that. the bar is pretty much empty except for the saddest of regulars and a couple new students, and then some tourists that float in and out. Its quiet though which is the saddest part.
why? If it's painted sure. But if its not painted and needs to be beautiful and durable, regular wood is better imho. Simply because plywood has maybe an 1/8th inch of thickness for each ply. So a bit of damage only needs to be 1/8th inch thick for the mar to not only be a mar, but expose the ply underneath. At least…