
it might sound inaccurate, but sometimes that's close enough. If they think you're over 21 with a fair level of confidence, that opens it up ads about alcohol, or tobacco. If they think you're under boom you're more likely to get ring tone ads or something. Marketers usually dont care if you're 26, they care that

if i were the cop, i would have been singing along with this guy lol


i prefer a bit of distance between me and my enemies, so i would go with the staff or wand or screwdriver. The wand though might kill you if you aren't actually its proper owner so thats out. So i guess the staff, except i'm not sure i know how to use it properly. The screwdriver seems less lethal but far more useful

so does the house in the video not remind you of the movie up? I wonder if the up house was inspired at all by this video...

when can we get digital school books on these things??? I like my ebooks but i hate the shit apps you get through ebook places.

still epic.

you know what makes doritos even better?

yea i'm quite aware, was just commenting that hey if they need one, my sis might volunteer lol

thanks much, best wishes to your cousin as well.

Thanks very much, here's to hoping these researchers get something figured out.

Thanks, good luck to these researchers, would be great if we could make a dent on cancer instead of just watching it kill people.

might note that you should skip to about 15:50 for the video of t he actual system

We eat chocolate occassionally because yes its sweet but its also something of an appetite suppressant. i mean if you need a little something to nosh on, just grab a small bit of dark chocolate. it's generally 'rich' enough that you can't eat a huge amount, and it always tastes great. and afterwards you dont really

how does one get in on the human tests? My sister is a terminal breast cancer patient. Not sure if this stuff would work when its this far along but hey...

as long as it can auto charge my credit card too this would be perfect. i can't be bothered to count out cash when pizza arrives, takes too much time. must stuff pizza in face.

i just saw it this morning. not gonna lie i cried.

OK, but do you know how long they've been in the works??

well ya that is the main draw of this tech anyway? it's "free". The only other big concerns are capital outlay and maintenance really.

politicians and lobbyists create the regulation...