@ExistentialEgg: PoP/Assassin's Creed is exactly what came to mind, too.
@ExistentialEgg: PoP/Assassin's Creed is exactly what came to mind, too.
@sygyzy: I think the only person that would be mad about the bomb not getting enough attention is the bomber himself.
@aec007: I've always wondered, is that reward money taxed?
That's a shame, I thought Tron Evolution was pretty fun.
@campbell000: Ohhh man, I completely forgot about those!
@campbell000: Game & Watch Collection: [club.nintendo.com]
@scorpion.0: I find myself getting sucked into them all the time when I'm bored. There was some other one on CNBC or something, it's on sometimes in the middle of the night.
@gigawings: Exactly what the rest of us are doing
@keiyakins: Oh...oh god...I.......
@Recoil: Oh god, delete that right now before Nintendo sees that!
@scorpion.0: It really depends on the prison. Some of them have tension so thick in the air that you can cut it with a knife, and others are pretty much like you said and it's more like High School detention.
Here's a wild one.
He should sue Sunrise for making a terrible movie.
I remember in High School when it was somebody's birthday, all the dudes would shove the birthday boy into the bathroom in the locker room, turn the lights off, and throw punches at the person for like a minute.
@Manly McBeeferton: I know, you should have some personal area for yourself. I know I like having My Space just for me.
@comtar: I love the Premium Tron theme as well! I had the Castle Crashers one forever, and it was time for a change.
@Xenigma: Keep chasing that dream
I don't dig the haphazard lightstreaks, since it strikes me as pretty lazy, but the red streaks in the third one are pretty well-done.