
Not sure if want.

I wouldn't even want to play it, I would keep it in a glass display case for fear that my sweaty palms might ruin it after hours of gameplay.

@The SmacK: Oh hay it's under "Variants", since they're all still derivative of the original based on local tastes.

He's not that handso-hmygod he is gorgeous.

Yeah, just like McDonalds possibly makes every location serve a Big Mac.

@Galaxius: Yeah, I actually tried looking at train tickets because I fly from Oregon to California every couple of months. I almost couldn't close the window because I was laughing so hard at how much it would have been to take a train.

It would be one thing if I knew what the Sony Ericsson logo was, as this is the first time I'd ever seen it. Clearwire should counter-sue SE for having an ugly logo that could be confused with their own.

Word of mouth might help a little bit, since it seems like a lot of people are going against the critics on this one. I've heard more good things about it than negative.

I don't see the harm in adding any pages, as long as they aren't full of opinion or false information, and they are clearly stated to be fictional or factual.

@vaderag: That's Lilandra, Empress of the Shi'ar. Her headpiece is pretty recognizable if you're familiar with the comics.

Just for fun, they should have made Onslaught the offspring of Xavier and Magneto.

@Audaxero: Yeah, I don't think I really want to see any staffers naked.

@mack14: Where is Star Wolf when you need them?

@iScuba: That story is badass.

@MrTripps: I didn't know Seth Rogen made a superhero movie.

@NightMystic: Yeah, the 3D was only good for like two fight scenes, but I didn't even notice anything special for 99% of the movie. My theater is only 8 bucks for 3D, so I'm not really peeved.