Nooo, I don't want to say goodbye to my Astromech buddy!
Nooo, I don't want to say goodbye to my Astromech buddy!
Not nearly as in-depth, but when I piloted the Submarines at Disneyland, part of the training involved a virtual simulation of driving them.
@Resev: Speaking as someone who went from a launch DS to a launch 3DS, I have no problems with the screen size. It was actually quite nice for me; I'm not really concerned about having a DSi XL-sized screen, just a good portable size.
@lizon: Highly unlikely. Unless you specifically mean posting on Twitter, in which case yeah I'm sure Twitter will disable their account soon.
@ssjChris: I loved the concept for the eReader, it had so many great possibilities.
Not nearly as cool as my Tron controller.
@twinturbo2: I forgot that Smash Bros. has no fighting in it.
I might be irritated if I didn't already have a 3DS.
I had Gameboid Lite on my Droid for about a year. I can honestly say that I only used it once and just uninstalled it a few days ago, thinking if I ever wanted it again I could just re-download.
I thought Google always had this option? Maybe not entire flight schedules, but you could look up an individual flight before.
You would have to do some re-casting then, I don't think the old cast could look that young. Not cheap, anyway.
@HektikLyfe: I can see that working as an animated film, but probably not live action.
@antonchigurh: He hasn't shot anything yet, so the answer can't be more than 0.
@BoomingEchoes: Last year he said that it was basically on hiatus due to budgetary reasons, since he wanted the technology for what he wants to do to be developed a little more. That may be what you're thinking of, but he never said he was abandoning it.
I can honestly say I don't care, I'm not one of those people who get all melodramatic about Facebook games with grandiose acts of disdain.
Kind of a bitch to listen to with headphones.
This article has an unfortunate title for anyone who shares it on Facebook. Too many people falling for the "You will not believe..." phishing links have made everyone weary of that phrase, or at least should be.
@izzy_k: Bravo!