Not sure why Curt chose to “@” Donald Trump in those last 2 tweets.
Not sure why Curt chose to “@” Donald Trump in those last 2 tweets.
There was doubt but the majority as I recall was a cautious “this could be something special” and it was. It wasn’t perfect but it was damn close.
A lot - and I mean a lot - of people were expecting that game to land with something of a dull thud. Solid 7s across the board, decent sales, and largely forgotten by year’s end. A quick search will bring up any number of reviewers, gamers, and other assorted talking heads expressing uncertainty about the game’s…
Yeah but Horizon looking very good and turning out to be fucking amazing is hardly the biggest surprise.
First thing I was thinking - there are plenty of jobs in the adult entertainment industry that don’t involve performing sex acts, especially on the business side like marketing, accounting, etc.
Title of this article is a bit misleading, maybe. LiSF doesn’t actual say his wife is acting in porn. He just says “entered the adult entertainment industry”. That is exceptionally vague. Is she an actress? Stripper? Bartender at a strip club? Running the cash register at a sex shop? The adult entertainment industry…
Depends on the context of their relationship. Also, we don’t know what she does. She might not be interacting with anyone.
Of course they are: they just lost a senate race in fucking Alabama. They’ve utterly poisoned the well for an entire generation that’s going to be voting for the next 50+ years, while their own voting base is shrinking faster than Roy Moore’s dick at turning-20 birthday party.
I can’t find any flaws in Page and Strzok’s reasoning. It seems totally legit. We wouldn’t want Donny’s fee-fees to be offended.
Going out on a limb here but I’m guessing that the countless old white men investigating Clinton for Benghazi weren’t saying nice things about her behind her back.
Gotta give Belichick credit. Knowing McDermott would be rightfully angry over that play, he had one of his players injure Tyrod Taylor for him.
Any thought to the idea that Gronk was trying to get suspended on purpose so he can fully enjoy Tilted Kilt’s “1/2 off Breasts and Wings” Sunday special next week?
She absolutely does not have to tell her story! It’s no longer vital for the outcome of the Nassar trial and it adds nothing to the discussion about sexual assault what we haven’t already heard about. It’s borderline creepy to put media pressure on a traumatized person for yet another story to feed the media frenzy.…
The revelation that Gabby was abused completely recontextualizes her comments from Friday.
It is possible, just possible, that Trump gave up nothing of consequence, and that the call went something like this (In normal speak, not Trump-speak):
I’m just happy that there is a conclusion to this very selfish move by LiAngelo that will detrimentally impact his older brother’s ability to play in the CBA in 5 years.
I tremble thinking about just what it was that the self-proclaimed “great negotiator” gave up to get the middle Ball child back.
There is nothing more Knicks-y than getting shitted on by Lebron in his usual petty pre-game comments, getting riled up, surging to a monstrous and seemingly insurmountable lead to the point you can finally show an ounce of swagger...only to blow said lead to Lebron and co. and let him stare you down helplessly as he…
I wasn’t attacking you. In fact, I thanked you for clearing it up. I was just pointing out that even with the distinction you pointed out, where if he asked but didn’t wait for a response, it’s still sexual assault.