
So glad the rich are finally going to be given the chance to get richer.

Better get those Guy Fawkes masks ready...

I think you hit the nail square on the head. I’m utterly amazed this line of bullshit has worked so well. To actively get people to vote against their interests for your enrichment is difficult, but to getting them to defend your cause so zealously is true genius.

Temporarily inconvenienced millionaires.

Doesn’t seem like such a raw deal to me. In Mark Davis, Las Vegas certainly got bangs for their buck.

Nope. Fuck the stupid progressive voters who let Hillary derangement syndrome make them help put Trump in office. Loudly proclaim shame on their dumb asses now and forevermore. Own your mess, fools.

The important thing is that “The Blackie” is no longer in office making decisions.

“We didn’t achieve 3% growth like we thought because of the 5th Benghazi investigation/Obama’s speaking tour/Joe Biden’s receding hairline.”

Exactly. I’m done with them. Done caring about them. I will do nothing to help these people any more. You wanted it, you got it. Fuck them.

Not shaming Democrats who voted for her. I’m also not shaming Democrats to who didn’t vote for her and are okay with Trump (if any such Democrats exist).

Don’t forget the ‘Deep State’ that is sabotaging the President (according to GOP fundraising letters) put in place by Obama before he left.

“Vote Repub - Slit Your Own Throat” is slogan the dems need.

I never would have thought that Disney’s version of Robin Hood (complete with a thumb-sucking cowardly lion pseudo king with mommy issues, a deceitful snake whispering sweet nothings in his ear to calm him, and a “law and order” style wolf of a sheriff whose sole purpose is to harass the poor) would come to life. But

Let’s not forget about the so-called liberals who decided the couldn’t (just couldn’t!) vote for Hillary Clinton because she was “just as bad” as her opponent. On specific points like this (budget, travel ban, gutting the EPA, education, clean water regulations, handing intelligence to Russia) I wonder if they truly

And Politico reports that the simpletons who voted for the justice obstructing lying racist ignoramus will be hit the hardest. Vote Repub--slit your own throat.

This is trickle-down economics at its finest.


Based on how Golic responded to this last week, does anyone believe that the iciness is anything other than him being mad that his cohost is “moving on”?

Beware: This is what happens when the thrill wears off, Joe and Mika. Don’t shit where you eat, unless it’s Subway and the point is moot.

“But they barely even make eye contact with each other these days.”

See also Trump, Donald and Melania