
Turkey’s loss, America’s gain.

You almost had the full package...

But her emails!

You left out Hilary. Gotta work that in there, and then something about feeling a burn of some kind that I don’t fully understand.

This reminds me, Can’t wait for more perfect.

Just so we can get it out of the way and move on to other commentary:
Something something something liberals, politics on my car site, keep your politics to yourself, liberal media, MAGA, I’m unsubscribing from Jalopnik, give him a chance, but whataboutwhenObama..., blah blah blah etc

God used to do the best plagues. Locusts, blood, slaying of the first born. Just a hole now? No stamina! SAD!

Albert Burneko has the best obituary for this deeply foul and evil man:

Yes but who put that solid object in a place where they knew Roger would hit his head on it? I’m thinking a hit squad financed by George Soros.

Right, but hate still killed him because it got him fired. If he had fallen at work he would have landed on a soft cushion of blonde, big-breasted women, instead of the frigid, empty floor of his home.

i’m listening to 1A’s friday news roundup and the guest (fox news contributor and conservative columnist/trump apologist byron york of the washington examiner) just made the following comment:

“Personal kindness” is a News Corp euphemism for rapiness and sexual assault.

Fox News right now:

This says it the best...

Of course he died due to a pre-existing condition.

Huh. So we was in an accident. That was complicated by bad health. My mom and I were both right! And both wrong. Cool!

who remembered him today for his talent and his leadership, his humor, and his personal kindness.

JFC Even Joe Scarborough, Mike Barnicle & Chris Matthews were singing his praises yesterday morning.

the outside hatred towards him is what “killed him.”