
Jeezus ... that’s almost word-for-word the “argument” someone tried to make to me just the other day.

One of the reporters for the piece was just on NPR. The president literally had a script, apparently went off script and began to brag about—I shit you not—how he gets the best intelligence. At which point, you have to assume the Russian ambassador broke out and put on his fake handlebar mustache and began twisting it

I expect there will be a lot of ‘concerns’ by Republicans who are very ‘troubled’ by this, but in the end they’ll just want to ‘keep an eye on the situation’ (as they slowly back away into the bushes)

How many high crimes and misdemeanors does this make? Literal treason at this point and the gutless GOP still happily sells out our country for their hideous agenda.

Yea, but that was different, that was a Democrat! It’s totally different now. Because Paul Ryan has no actual morals or beliefs, he just plays like he does on TV.

I can’t wait for Paul Ryan, Marcus Rubinstein, et al to come out with their courageous condemnations of this, since I know how concerned they are about mishandling of classified information. /s

“Perhaps President Trump has made a few mistakes, but he is learning!” That says it all, right? The fact that so many believe that is acceptable is stunning and embarrassing.

The mid-late nineties suicide in LA? My kid brother watched that one too—who the fuck cuts from afternoon cartoons to a police chase that ends in the guy blowing his brains out and setting fire to his dog? That one was seriously traumatizing for kids watching.

Nope this isn’t how that happens. Live news is live. Cable news might have different procedures, but I highly doubt you’d find any kinda of delay mechanism (aside from decoding/satellite delays, etc.) in any local news station. This isn’t the Superbowl halftime show.

Live look at most Spurs fans:

Kind of crazy you’d take a bullet for a van right?

Agents have hacked into the system!

So...what does he think his steady diet of burnt steaks, Lays tater chips and Big Macs affords him, if the human body only has a finite amount of energy?

“...the human body was like a battery...”

Trump Won’t Exercise For Fear Of Depleting His Body’s Finite Store Of Energy

“The human body is like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted.”

I disagree.

They are not keeping the window open for other bids. What they meant to say is they are keeping the window open for other bribes. Damn auto-correct!

I’m no doctor, but I am a blogger and that right knee’s fucked up.

“See? I’m not so bad”
-Roger Goodell