daughter of the eternal sun

Not the first time she has made an appearance here:

TBF, her father was dead by then, and he’d gotten muscled out of the business some time before he died (cite: her other memoir, Boys in Trees).

I’ve never understood why she is so worshipped. She liked to shop. That is the only thing about her. 

I am friendly with someone who is friends with Carly for a number of decades. From what I am told and have seen, she comes across as a wonderful, intelligent person with a great sense of humor, but like me with a tendency to want to think only the best about those around us. This anecdote, true or not, doesn’t

Her mother raised her and her sister Lee from day one to do one thing and one thing only: Get a rich man to take care of you. She was raised to see other women including her sister as nothing more than competition - she almost had no choice in the matter, but she really is one of history’s most glorified gold-diggers. 

I’ve...had this friend? I’m so embarrassed now that we were ever “friends.”

I thought the same thing! Like, there was no one she could ask about the going rate for a celebrity children’s book? 

I don’t believe this story. Not that Felicity didn’t answer; like, I don’t believe this even happened. There would be no reason for the call. They aren’t friends, and they don’t know each other as far as I know.

It sounds so silly that the prosecutor says he will “probably” ask for more jail time for Lori Loughlin than for Felicity Huffman. Huffman’s crime was a much lesser offense, and she stepped forward and pleaded guilty immediately.

I mean, that’s nice of them and all, but it’s also indicative — as you mention — of a complete failure on the part of the state to provide affordable education to its citizens.

That’s the problem with the current obsession with STEM; it implicitly devalues other ‘less useful’ (taken from the fact that people are less willing to pay you for it) majors/degrees. As you noted, women are under-represented in STEM fields but over-represented in things like primary education and community/human

I live in NYC and am really aggressive as a pedestrian. I figure, there are literally zero consequences right now for drivers here who kill pedestrians (visit gothamist dot com if you don’t believe me, so if you’re going to mow me down, I’m going down swinging.

A kid I knew in high school lost his mom to a drunk driving diplomat. She was walking the dog with a friend early in the morning, and a drunk Russian swerved onto the sidewalk and killed her. He smelled of alcohol and could barely stand, but refused to talk to the cops. He had a diplomatic passport and license plate,

Ah, yes, Picasso, who is most famous for strictly adhering to the standards of conventional beauty, a very good artist to be nicknamed after when you are in the business of splicing bits of face together for purely aesthetic purposes! Sign me up!

Holy crap! I wonder what was on that paper plate she carried... 

Yiiiikes! Makes me wonder how many women are laughing in order to diffuse a creepy man’s violence at any given moment around the world.

Never underestimate the desert

So Smart! Well done! Your quick thinking and your ability to strategize and Save Yourself and your loved ones is nothing short of Heroic! You should be so proud! I'm in awe, sincerely. My response has always been to freeze. I'm working on it. Thank you for sharing this. Absolutely Terrifying!

Hi. I’ve been reading this scary story series for years but have never taken the time to tell my story:

“Station wagon Stalker”

I think I’ve told this one in the comments before, but I couldn’t find it. This isn’t really paranormal either, but it happened to me when I was a kid of 12 or 13.

I was walking back home from the park with my sister and my best friend one Saturday. The park we went to was a quarter to a half