
@BossVersion1: I think they are. I don't know very many ladies who are both seriously athletic and get implants. They look pretty healthy and natural on her.

watched open-mouthed as the Creature Creator unleashed horrifying many-penised mutants on an unsuspecting internet.

@ReconToaster: I foresee a "Sin of Onan" achievement for "spilling the seed."

@ShaggE: You'd have to go to Youtubes comments section, but I'm sure it's there somewhere.

I love my iPod Touch. I use it for taking notes then emailing them to myself, listening to music or watching movies, making appointments in the calendar, surfing the internet. My much sturdier and less expensive phone does everything else I'd ever need. I have the exact same LG there, and I think that I'd still rather

Solution for marking almost banned posters: Nega-Stars.... evil evil stars that suck in people's souls should grace the emptiness beside their posts.

Odin Sphere was the best game that I ever had to argue with a Gamestop employee to get. Seriously. Had to point at it in the case behind him 6 times to get him to believe that they had it in stock. "No!" I said, "It's out of order for some reason! Look, it's stuck right beside Madden!"

@HigglyPiggly: So you don't even pay for the few games you do like?

I think as awesome as gaming can be, the Omegathon at PAX is probably the closest thing to having gaming as an Olympic sport as we should ever ever get. I mean why be an Olympian when you could be an Omeganaut?

Principal Bashcraft looks at Kotaku High's Expense reports.

"BE the crane!"

@Doomstink: While I admit that price comparison is BS, those brighter SP's are grand if you plan on playing any GB, GBC, or GBA games. I still play Final Fantasy on mine, and use it to play Crystal Chronicles.

@Xenigma: Same boat here.. I like it.

Favorite expressions: the bemused bewilderment before the laughs. (0_o) (0)o(0) <—- I gotchyer uncanny valley right there!

@TRT-X: Brilliant.

The ladies I've gone out with were all pretty demanding about at least some if not a lot of trimmage.

"X-Play" is a show no one really watches on television, offering careless, played-out and brutally slanted reviews of any crap videogames that get paid airtime, or are easy to make fun of. More information on "X-Play" and the "G-Phoria 2008" awards farce is available at [] . Visitors can learn more or less

You're so easily fooled Nicole... You should have RTFM.