
ANYTHING that could revitalize the PE genre is welcome!

My friend from NZ has GOT to see this!

@londonlad: And the poor psp crapped a brick ANY time ANYthing happened in Metal Slug Collection soo a framerate drop isn't something I'm too concerned about.

@Narsil: I think the PS2 is still overpriced and Sony is trying as hard as it can to beat that dying horse. Also this 10 year mantra is getting stale, and they will never sell the PS3 as a dirt cheap bundle as long as it stays one of the cheapest BD players. They'll just keep pumping out sku's.

Here's how we take and make this awesome:

After school you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a child, a fact that used to make my after school times truly special.

Dear Mr. J Wendell,

One of those bumpers looks like a bad photoshop of the other, right down to the shadow in front of the wheels. Still, both are very generic front ends...

How in the Nine Hells did I miss this news?!? Finally more Parasite Eve.... finally! The incredibly well thought out emotional horror story of the first one and the subtle yet elaborate conspiracies hinted at in the second one..... Dear God this better end up having a full PE3 or 4 come out for ANY system.


I highly doubt the PSP has a ten year lifespan. The DS will surge in sales as they start putting the old Dragon Quest and the new flagship DQ titles on it.

@Communist_Gamer, you will hate this then: (Prepare for bleeding eyes and ears)

Armored Core: For

Draining points from Serbia!!! BWAH HA HA!

Medved... Isn't this the guy who talked about the "virtual orgasmic rape simulator" and PA did a comic about his desire for page views?

Color me excited!

Did anyone else get a random tiny permanent marker in theirs?

I want to see the much shorter list of "Participation Awards"