
The MCU has brought me so much joy these past 8 years. I never thought anything like this was possible. I used to dream about live action comic book universes when I was a kid.

It was never a romance. I've watched the same episodes as you and I don't think the writers are trying to get people to like the relationship. You're supposed to be creeped out by the fact that Archie is being taken advantage of.

Exactly. I don't see how people are not getting this! Archie is the one who is naive and is being taken advantage of. Miss Grundy is a creep who is trying to keep herself out of trouble.

Oh pls. PLL is garbage compared to this show and it's only been three episodes. Miss Grundy is a predator and I don't think the show has romanticized her relationship with Archie.

I'm obsessed with Riverdale. And HOLY SHIT that preview for next week!!! Whew!


*rolls eyes*. Yes, let's quote a fun, stupid song that she released that was just an aside, with a video of her playing around in her hotel room. Let's reduce her entire career to this one song she released for fun.

As a long time fan of Beyonce going back to DC4's self titled debut. I'm fascinated how Beyonce has become more and more famous and hated at the same time. Because everything she has done after 4 has been a move towards autonomy and doing what she wants. Henceforth why she doesn't get played on pop radio and rule the

I can see that argument when her dad was her manager. But everything she has done from "4" till now with "Lemonade" have been all her, full stop. Yes she has tons of writers and producers, but she is steer heading her ship.

Yeah, but Beyonce is steer heading all of the production and making it all come together cohesively. And she is also very meticulous when it comes to the production. So sue her for having a bunch of writers and collaborators, but she is very much so in control in the making of all her songs.

I think the album flows perfectly to me, even with the songs being different genres.


Now THIS, is more like it!


Yeah I doubt this show could ever get back to season 2.

I have a question:



This show is garbage, just like Agents of Shield. Cancel them, so that we can clear the airwaves for better superhero shows!

The last two episodes made me very emotional.