
Absolute garbage trailer. Hopefully the movie works out for them.

NOW, that is pushing it too far my friend.

Hogarth's arch HAS to continue in Iron Fist, it just has to right?

BRAVA, you killed these reviews!

I legit was cried during the finale and afterwards, because I strongly connected with Jessica, Trish, Luke, Malcolm, and to an extent Kilgrave. I just hope we get another season. This show is far from perfect but damnit I loved it! Netflix would be fools if they don't green light a second season, especially if they


I love this show so far, but I can understand why someone wouldn't like this show at all, or would think of it as just "meh". There are some glaring issues overall, and it is even more evident in this episode.

I fear that the Riva thing isn't going to be answered…Like that is such a huge glaring plot hole for me. I'm hoping we get some kind of answer.

I think that's a fault of the show for not being clear enough and the result of bringing in such a convenient plot point(his parents being in NY, mom sitting in on support group), that we did not need. Maybe the footage on the USB, should have been used better than it did.

Were we supposed to "like" her?

*prays for full frontal*

This show needs to just be about 8 people around the world whom turn each other on. And they have to go through life telepathically linked to each other's sexual desires and fantasies.


Who said small town setting does not work? If the comics can have a wide range from street level to cosmic, why cant the MCU?

The consensus seems to be that the Hulk and Widow storyline is divisive. I see alot of people who like it and others who didnt.

Oh F**K Deadline. They are nothing more than a joke. I'll believe it, when I see it.

I've been following him since I was in high school. I'm from Carson, CA, which is very close to Compton. i've always envisioned the direction he would go, musically, would be neo-soul, so this album is EVERYTHING to me.


The show should be cancelled, because it's boring and none of the main characters are interesting. Everyone else around them should be the main characters. Frank and Patrick are insufferable and Dom is a wooden character, hot, sexy, love the actor, but Dom as a character is pointless.

Girl… I guess.