
First off, calm down.

I can sympathize with Mike - I had a similar epiphany in my late teens, when I realized I had spent much of my adolescence using my self-identification as a nerd, and the fact that I was often bullied by bigger/dumber/more popular kids as an excuse for behavior that, in my mind, was simply me innocently using my mind

If he means it (and he at least sounds fairly sincere), that's a pretty nice apology. Kudos to you, dude. Hopefully everyone is able to grow and mature from this, and realize that even if you feel you have every right to say what you said (and since nothing he said was illegal, he does have that right), it's a dick

It's unfortunate how some people take a moment like this to attack him -for- apologizing.

Isn't that kind of a bully thing to say? ha. I mean, you don't have to look physically imposing to be a bully.

He's not alone.

Dude, you should see a therapist.

The Holy Roman Empire lasted from 962 to 1806. The late middle ages are the 14th & 15th centuries. There's no contradiction.. When did you last check a history book?

You must just not have very clever or funny friends.

Telltale games are more serious?

Jill Murray's fuller quote:

This is what we generally see, however. My issue goes in the opposite direction: People expecting to pay 20 dollars for every single game at maximum as of late, thanks entirely to mobile gaming. Worse are those that will directly ask a developer if the game will be free. Worst of all are those that will complain about

I hope the worlds start to feel a bit more realistic. One thing that always bothered me was how each world would only have anywhere between 0 and 4 characters living in it... Traverse Town had about 5 NPCs, yet you were supposed to believe that this was a habitable town where people actually lived? Well then where the