
Think I’m just about to start Fire Emblem: Awakening. I had a little tryst with Radiant Dawn a few years back but never really got anywhere with it, so I’m taking Awakening as my first real experience.

Personally think Where Ya At isn’t close to top 5 on this album, though it is somewhat catchy.

This rides. Homahgawd.

With That is probably one of the better tracks on a disappointing-as-a-whole (by Young Thug standards) project.

I upgraded to a New 3DSXL with the intention of going completely digital. The first thing I made sure to do in doing this was to buy an external form of storage. I just think it's more efficient to have all my games in one place, on the go. I don't know how large of a game SMTIV is, but the portability of digital is

I upgraded to a New 3DSXL with the intention of going completely digital. The first thing I made sure to do in doing

Had to rejoin Kinja to get in on this. Great topic.

Growing up, it was definitely OoT Shadow Temple. (Bongo Bongo was always a favourite of both my cousin and I). But I have to say that I totally agree with you on Forest Temple. Everything about the place setup works: the ambiance through music, the right degree of