
I don’t post too often, but definitely had to come down here and say thank you for posting about this.

Twitter can be a black hole (and it sucks giving another corporate entity your login information), but your timeline can be very directed based on who you follow. Give it a try. Might honestly be best way to keep up with them.

Have you gotten to Hateno Village yet? You have to complete a quest there first to unlock the Tarry Town quest, which is in a different province. But honestly, Tarry Town is sortve endgame content because it requires you to travel to pretty much every other province to find certain things/people, those of which you’ve

I remember Lost Odyssey and it’s TV spot (the ad with White Rabbit soundtrack) being one of the main reasons I wanted an X360 during that generation. The game seemed so grand.
It was only a few years ago that I finally picked it up and I didn’t get far before also getting distracted. I want to pick it back up, but I

Feel like links to crisis prevention would’ve been a nice addition to the mural, if even a small plaque or mention in the corner.

This is good, but it doesn’t address the issue in regards to ease of access. If someone wants to acquire a firearm and go on a shooting, they can easily do that without having to announce it through electronic means prior.

Getting slight Lost Planet vibes from this.

Not directly related to Fan Expo, but shoutout to the people from the GTA and adjacent areas on the Gawker network. Using Vaughn Mills as a metaphor and me understanding that = thumbs up.


What’d you think of PGLTM?

If you were going for sarcasm, you missed your mark.

Wait, what?

Agree wholeheartedly. No Kart was able to hold my attention as long as the Wii version. A lot of love went into its development and it shows, from tracks, to controls, to the tournaments. Everything.

A couple of friends and I are still trying to figure it out, although I have been lucky sdmittably.

I’m replaying SS right now, having just completed the second dungeon. This is a sentiment I felt the first time I played it and it’s still ringing true, but I’m legit not having fun. The game is so very blah.

This is appreciated. Shame about the fist pump though!

I remember trying to find that actual broadcast feed of Grant’s fistpump on YouTube awhile back.

Let it be known that I will probably never play Sun/Moon anytime soon, but I greatly appreciate the spoiler tag.

Just here to state that I’m always appreciative of the sustained Young Thug love that I always see from y’all at Deadspin.

Lmaooooo, I was legit going through the responses and slowly losing hope as well.