
I figured by Rumple's undoing the seer was talking about the Dark One? That's kind of what I've been assuming this whole time - that he'll just have to go back to being plain old Rumpelstiltskin again.

Nothing's ever going to come close to the awesomeness that was Glenn Close wiping her makeup off at the end of that version of Dangerous Liaisons, except for maybe Colin Firth's teeth in Valmont.

Nothing's ever going to come close to the awesomeness that was Glenn Close wiping her makeup off at the end of that version of Dangerous Liaisons, except for maybe Colin Firth's teeth in Valmont.

That scene right there, and the whole backstory, really made me wish we'd seen more episodes with Tarrlock. Like where he isn't just some greasy fascist skeeve, but trying to actually do some good, and then being corrupted, or what have you, by the power, such that he's imprisoning all non-benders, etc. And if he was

That scene right there, and the whole backstory, really made me wish we'd seen more episodes with Tarrlock. Like where he isn't just some greasy fascist skeeve, but trying to actually do some good, and then being corrupted, or what have you, by the power, such that he's imprisoning all non-benders, etc. And if he was

Since when is Julia Allison from Chicago? Hasn't she been based out of New York since forever? Wasn't her whole purpose in life to be Carrie from Sex and the City?

Since when is Julia Allison from Chicago? Hasn't she been based out of New York since forever? Wasn't her whole purpose in life to be Carrie from Sex and the City?

I don't understand why Amon is destroying the entire city - how the hell does he think he's going to rebuild anything without benders? You can't tell me there are bricklayers and electricians in a city with earth/metal and fire/electricity benders. Which makes me think he's pulling a Loki pulling a Xanatos gambit, and

I don't understand why Amon is destroying the entire city - how the hell does he think he's going to rebuild anything without benders? You can't tell me there are bricklayers and electricians in a city with earth/metal and fire/electricity benders. Which makes me think he's pulling a Loki pulling a Xanatos gambit, and

My favorite part of that whole scene is that she closes her eyes and raises her forehead up to him, all "get on with it". LBF FTW. All the wins ever.

My favorite part of that whole scene is that she closes her eyes and raises her forehead up to him, all "get on with it". LBF FTW. All the wins ever.

If its not called Irah I quit.

If its not called Irah I quit.

Just now realizing that life on an Air Temple back in Aang's (early) days must have been very rough for anyone not enamoured of fart humor. Farts must have been the afro polka dot circus of the Air Nation.

Just now realizing that life on an Air Temple back in Aang's (early) days must have been very rough for anyone not enamoured of fart humor. Farts must have been the afro polka dot circus of the Air Nation.

If he turns out to be a robot zombie, remember, you heard it here first.

If he turns out to be a robot zombie, remember, you heard it here first.

Yeah that was much too sophisticated for me to figure out.

Yeah that was much too sophisticated for me to figure out.

Seriously. Weirdly reminds me of Neal Stephenson's Anathem.