
At least you admit you're privileged.

Um, why do they assume Fred Armisen is playing a trans woman? Because he's a guy in a dress playing a woman? He's played a woman other times in this series; does that mean Nina is trans? Or is it just that when depicting a Tumblresque feminist bookseller, it wouldn't make sense for him to be male,so he plays a female?


As long as they left Mara Jade out of it.

I doubt they're that worried about a less profitable character, since virtually all Marvel characters are second-stringers in the comic books. They made "Guardians," fer cryin' out loud.

So because they didn't rush an inferior product a la Wonder Woman, it must mean that it'll never be made?

She's been pretty well confirmed in IW. Whether she'll have powers yet or not is unknown. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if she had a credits scene.

Sure, if you don't realize that GotG existed before Farscape.

The tree sees the sea,
The trees see me.

Upvote for a mention of Wristcutters.

Yeah, he was basically there to exposit that everybody should let Godzilla do that thing he does. So the Common-Sense Asian.


I'm thinking the flying space toilet from "Dead Like Me." It's less dignified.

They also included Aokigahara in "47 Ronin." Also did not work.

Are they separate, or can they be lesbian trans Frankenstein creatures?

Does ironic anticipation count?

The long-awaited crossover of "Twilight" and "Lesbian Vampire Killers"?

Many, many times.

Yep. He wasn't gay, but bisexual (by our label-happy standards), as was Patroclus. After all, he was also involved with Briseis.

And the fact that it's considered a LESBIAN icon is a problem, honey. Just because ignorant and/or bigoted people erase bisexuality doesn't mean that it's okay or should be perpetuated by the gay community in the interest of "identification."