
Agreed. I hate that "gay icon" is often equated with "actually gay" — actors, characters and media that are commonly considered gay were actually more bisexual. If you dare to actually assert this, you'll usually get an onslaught of idiots insisting that you're a homophobe who won't accept their obvious gayness. And

Nice to hear from the bigot brigade. Especially since it was common through most of history. Ever heard of Shakespeare and his both-ways-swinging?

Thanks, massive anti-Semite.

Pretty much. Most people back then were bisexual, there was no pressure to stick to just one side, and the concept of sexuality as a self-defining trait would have been considered absurd. Now, of course, TV shows have to determine a single stagnant never-changing sexual identity for their characters, and queerness is

And of course, they couldn't make 'em bisexual, as they were implied to be in the original series. Nope, that would upset the binary-centric culture we live in. Can't have the LG crowd losing their shit over a "lesbian icon" being depicted as openly liking it both ways. People might start believing bisexuality is a

The Scientologists are dwindling already, so I doubt they'll last even one more century.

Then there would have been one man and lots of women.

They did that. It was called AvP: Requiem. It wasn't good.

It was bizarre, true. I don't even understand why they went after him. I mean, Cameron, Fincher, Scott… they all have distinct styles, but they also have styles that don't clash too much.


"Dear Malaria…"