“he’s an orange of such insane hubris that to be the first orange in history to use a nuclear weapon offensively is probably an appealing prospect to him.” - Thanks for making me spill my drink
“he’s an orange of such insane hubris that to be the first orange in history to use a nuclear weapon offensively is probably an appealing prospect to him.” - Thanks for making me spill my drink
For years white people have argued that everything short of the KKK wasn’t really racist. Now the actual KKK is endorsing Dump and white people are *still* trying to act like he’s appeal isn’t based on racism. There are literally no goalposts that can’t be moved.
Bingo. I keep hearing certain liberals telling me I need to engage with Trump voters. Bullshit. They’re my same racist relatives who spent 8 years slagging on President Obama. They’re not concerned with coal mining jobs. They want revenge for 8 years of having a black man as President. Trump supporters are racists.…
I like this perspective. Now that trump has been elected, white people are ON ME to engage with racists and teach them a better, more loving way. As if I haven’t been trying this my whole life. White people, the responsibility to pick up your own house is YOURS.
Every time there is an opportunity to lay bare his incompetence and fundamental indecency, and to point out the behavior rendering him unsuitable for public office, I will do it.
Do you want a giant alien gateway to the uncanny space behind space to drag itself from the ruined surface of Venus? ‘Cause this is how you get a giant alien gateway to the uncanny space behind space.
Considering how concerned Vay is after this, I can only assume he’s Canadian.
....which leads to great villains, because the best are always the heroes of their own narrative.
“liberals who need constant reminding that the GOP have no interest in responsible governing.”
This is most politicians. They say this this and this, but never even bring up the difficulty of passing laws. Promises win elections. The electorate doesn’t research a candidate enough to take anyone to task.
Trump “no nation building” could become Trump “more nation building” in a heartbeat.
I absolutely love this conversation. My dad tries to tell me not to worry about Trump because he’s already saying the opposite of what he said on the campaign trail. OH! So I should trust the words he says now because they’re in complete contradiction to the words he said then? And what happens when the words he says…
I like you.
Fuck this dudes mom
Mmmmmm.....zesty and maudlin.....
There’s an excellent article from a while back (I think right after the Charlie Hebdo attacks) by Cracked’s David Wong that makes the following argument: the fight in modern times is not between “us” and “them,” the winner to be determined by whichever one is still alive at the end. That’s the world of our ancestors…
Which is exactly what David Ayer would say, to try to distract people from the fact that he was David Ayer, trying to post on a message board an absolutely ridiculous opinion that only the person who made the movie could possibly think. It’s like saying you enjoy drinking water straight from the toilet, rather than…
Proton torpedoes aren’t hot enough to melt space-steel beams.
if you can’t pay your employees a living wage you’re a shitty business owner, your business model fucking sucks and your business is too weak to exist