
I think Clone Wars goes a long way in patching up the emotional arc that was missed in the movies, which was possibly their biggest flaw.

Yes, I had my doubts about it when I watched the first few episodes. I thought it was Disney crap and was bitter about Clone Wars being cancelled. Now I love it and I also realized I did not like Clone Wars at first either.


Oh darn, it’ll only be as good as the Predator cloak....

People were attacking my opinion last night before I’d even started the article.

Took me at least three reads to conclude that he was talking about his kids, not (a) about a threesome or (b) maintaining a few girls on the side.

TRUMP: “The Purge is great. Just really great. It’s a yuge opportunity for winners to show they’re winners by making the losers lose with guns for America, by America and near America.”

TV spot showing city in the middle of reconstruction fails to get detail from comics right, outrages man on internet. Details at 11.

Have you considered that maybe you just don’t like Star Wars?

Mural is the way TV Rick Grimes says Merle. CORALLL!

Sure Snyder is giving us a tired and depressed Wonder Woman. Why not, right? Krypto will probably show up just to get rabies and so Superman can kill him with his heat vision. Booster Gold? Suicidal time-traveler. Blue Beetle? Alcoholic ex-milionaire. Martian Manhunter? Came to Earth in the time of the dinosaurs and

“the prequels had about three or four historical references about Anakin to line up with and Lucas basically flubbed them all”

Is the fluid gin?

One that’ll be crap after the first 8 series, am I right?

Blair Walsh Lived A Kicker’s Nightmare

Avatar 2

Poe was fantastic, but I feel like TFA trying to create three heroes (Rey, Finn, and Poe) made each one’s arc suffer. ANH just focused on Luke’s heroics, and it was a better movie for it.

Yeah, the “tempted by the light side” moment was perfect. And yeah, I’d love to know how he turned towards the dark, and how Snoke got his hooks into him.

This is Adequate Man, not I Spent $500 On Snow Tires And Probably Also Didn't Use Underwear As A Washcloth This Morning Man.