Seriously. I had these exact same arguments with people during the Bush years. “CNN is just the left’s Fox News” - not even close. If they have a leaning, it’s “pro-establishment” and that’s pretty fucking bipartisan.
Seriously. I had these exact same arguments with people during the Bush years. “CNN is just the left’s Fox News” - not even close. If they have a leaning, it’s “pro-establishment” and that’s pretty fucking bipartisan.
What the fuck is the point of becoming a politician if you can’t personally benefit from it?
I thought the idea was that it’s a bit of a spoof on lame Republican nicknames.
Okay, I’ll bite. The problem is, the unborn’s so-called right to live interferes with the mother’s bodily autonomy.
How come I could see that coming as a 21-year old unemployed university dropout pothead?
Can I ask why you supported invading Afghanistan? Seems like the “rationale” was largely emotional, and as a Canadian I remember being totally against our support of it, other than we kinda *had* to.
Yeah, starting some shit and letting someone else suffer the consequences seems like something Mnuchin would do.
I agree - Stephen Miller’s got more of a noose-able face.
Yep my 4-year-old is a pretty good kid but he’d be an absolute dick in this situation. But he’s also a cute little blonde white boy, so I doubt the judge would threaten to sic a dog on him.
Mnuchin’s definitely in the Trump Administration Top 5 Most Punchable Faces, amiright?
Seriously, I’ve always contended the economy of the future will be chicken and cigarettes. That smooth, rich flavour - you just close your eyes and inhale and all of the world’s problems melt away. A cigarette afterwards is just icing on the cake.
Probably, right? He gets everyone to stay at his hotels and gets all kinds of good pics and videos of them. Even boring shit like jerking off on the toilet could bring these guys to their knees for Trump.
It’s true. It’s not the thing itself that’s so meaningful, it’s what it says about him for doing it and the people around him for enabling it that’s so disturbing.
It really is exhausting and, just as bad, it’s very distracting. And I’m Canadian! But I find I’m spending more time talking and reading about it at work and it dominates my limited spare time - I spend less time doing the things I love. I’m fortunate to not really feel the kind of anxiety and dread a lot of people…
This is exactly what came to mind when I saw this. If that goofy scream was immediately disqualifying this HAS to be.
Oh yeah, it’s like when someone says they can’t be racist because they’re dating/married to a black man/woman. Most misogynists date/marry women - it doesn’t mean shit.
I assume you’re afraid they’ll treat us as badly as we treated them?
So she apologized for something she did when it was socially acceptable and she she was essentially a different person? Though I’d say her apology is mostly meaningless, it was also unnecessary, so...
No, that’s not how a parliamentary system works. The Prime Minister is way more like the President than the Speaker of the House. You should check out how parliamentary government works - it’s interesting - as a Canadian I’d argue it can be a lot more effective than America’s system, though it’s not nearly as…