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    I get that reference.

    This was not a very convincing post - if I have worries about my immigration status (in particular), the last thing I want is a “visit” from a census worker.

    Really though? Isn’t that kind of like a millionaire saying to me: “You gave $100 to charity last year; I gave $100 to charity last year - I’m just a regular person like you.” Like, seriously, San Francisco has the same resources to work on homelessness as, say, Detroit?

    No cause for alarm - this is not about the health of the president.


    It’s not my country, bootlicker.

    Why are you people still allowing this to happen? Have you started feeling a little less judgmental about German citizens during WWII - do you “understand” them now and is that what you want? These concentration camps need to be liberated. NOW. Violently if necessary.

    I keep a pretty close eye on the news and haven’t seen anything about a single left-wing American actually DOING anything.

    Honestly wasn’t not including myself in that group. I am part of the problem.

    People are so reflexively combative - though I’m Canadian and our problems are perhaps slightly less dire and immediate, I never said I wasn’t one of those people. I can be self-critical and the same time I’m being generally critical. But also, write and call their congresspersons? I’m talking about REALLY doing

    Jesus, I mean, this story is upsetting enough, but it’s the individual comments like yours that really get to me. THIS is enough to say that there is an intolerable racism problem in America. The larger more obscene problems like police violence, and white people calling the cops on black people for no good reason,

    One reason: people smart enough to see how fucked up everything is, sat around on their asses making smug comments on internet sites instead of actually DOING something about any of it.

    Not true - wide spectrum of opinions on the left. But, yeah the right has proven out to be shit - like, really unforgivably shitty and it’s been condoned, either explicitly or implicitly, by nearly the entire Republican Party. Bad things should be removed.

    I know, right, but mine has been able to sit still through a 2-hour movie since he was 3 - not just kid stuff either - Jurassic Park, E.T., Gremlins - we watched Ernest Goes to Camp and The Great Outdoors a couple rainy weekends ago - he’s begging me to watch Jaws now (not until after the Summer - don’t want to risk

    Pffft - FAMILIES - if they wanted OUR money so badly they wouldn’t have made the damn thing 3 hours long - my 4.5-year-old is dying to see this but there’s no way I’m going to try 3 hours in the theatre with him - I just want the damn blu-ray to come out already.

    Ah-greed. I will fully admit to being skeptical and wondering if she was a bit “too big for her britches” - I was stupid and wrong. She is fucking awesome.

    Wow, not that bright, eh? That’s a very, very easy choice.

    I’d argue that more effective policy would keep people from having the billions in the first place. If we’re going to live in a society that’s allowed to have billionaires at all (and let’s face it, chances are inheritance is about the most moral way someone can become a billionaire - at least they didn’t personally

    That’s what you figured I’d say because you know it is.
