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    Sorry but you strike me as someone intentionally muddying the waters which is precisely what Russian “trolls” (and most likely right-wing American operatives as well) and did so well. That campaign wasn’t so much about “fooling” Americans into voting Republican, but, rather, fomenting voter apathy by framing the

    This about sums up my position though I may be even more agnostic than you as I wouldn’t even speculate on probability other than it’s somewhere in the range of just greater than 0% and just less than 100%.

    So basically what you’re saying is you’re either a troll working for a specific political purpose or an insane person.

    Since when do you divvy up the budget according to political preference?

    Historic unemployment among blacks, combined with historic wage growth for blacks IS reparations.”

    Great analogy.

    Damn, it takes a special kind of rat to try and climb its way back ON a sinking ship*.

    Goddamn, your president is a delicate little snowflake.

    Who would watch?

    Ugh, I guess we know how you got your nickname.

    Life...finds a way...

    Keep trying? Movies are funny - how we enjoy them can depend so much on our time and place at the moment of watching them. I was fairly cold on it for probably three viewings and then something suddenly just clicked and it’s an all-time favourite for me now. But that’s obviously something in me that changed, not the

    I came here to say this so thanks for sparing me the effort. Really stretching to stir up some kind of conflict.

    The original poster said without destroying (suppressing was exact word) capitalism, and embracing pure socialism, America is doomed.”

    As someone who was once considerably overweight (I’m just finally in Dad-bod territory and still working on it), and who often kept a jacket on in spite of great thermal discomfort (especially when wearing tucked-in office clothes), I can say with a fair amount of certainty it’s to hide his obesity. Not that it

    Of course that’s what a Republican fucking FRESHMAN congressperson looks like.

    Sorry, but America has the president it deserves. As a Canadian looking in, Trump is America in a fat orange nutshell.

    No, that’s weird and wrong. All of those tweets are the kind I’ve started to make and then shook my head and said what the fuck am I doing?

    I’m not saying it was a great thing to do, just not a dealbreaker.

    Heheh, yeah, well I knew that, it’s more the media people hailing him as being “presidential” that I’m wondering about...