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    I guess I don’t get the suggestion that anyone doesn’t understand why she’s in a pissy mood. I understand why the customer is in a pissy mood, I understand why she’s in a pissy mood - sitting on a delayed plane for hours would put ANYONE in a pissy mood. The story here is that one of those people had to wait around

    I get what those people are saying, and I don’t think “unearned” is the best word to articulate the feeling they’re (myself included, though to, like, a normal person extent) having about this season and Dany’s turn in particular. You’re right that signs are all there and it’s not out of her character to have done

    Do I need to tell you that this is really fucked up?

    Yeah, it certainly fucking seems that way. Hate to break it to you, but it’s a bit past blood in the streets time. What are you guys waiting for?

    Yeah, you’re right, and it’s gross.

    That would be a bad bet. There’s a TON of legal precedent for suing establishments who serve someone to the point of intoxication and don’t prevent them from driving.

    Thank you - I sort of understood the continuing resolution part, but why can’t they simply discontinue it? I seem to recall Obama wanted them to, but they didn’t because theoretically they want future Democratic presidents to have that power (EDIT: Actually it was Republicans that blocked it at that time for THEIR

    I’m Canadian and don’t know how things work precisely in American Congress, but it seems crazy to me that the House of Representatives can’t give itself back some power when it comes to deciding whether or not the country goes to war. Isn’t it the most direct representation of the “will of the people”? Your ridiculous

    The American public is dumb as nails.

    It’s insane that this hasn’t happened. That should have been Day 1.

    WRONG. Above all, Putin wants whatever pushes the US and its NATO allies further apart.

    Nobody was fucking hoodwinked into your stupid fucking Iraq War. They weighed their options and supporting the criminal slaughter of brown people was deemed less costly then not doing what the big, dumb bully wanted.

    I am all of those things you said above and I agree with you 100%. I don’t need it! I’m stuffed to the gills with stories about people like me (except maybe slightly more handsome) being the hero. It is boring. And I don’t want my son to think that only little boys like him (assuming he is cis-gendered and

    Someone please kill this fuck.

    It takes an incredible amount of ego to think you could be President of the United States of America (even after Trump lowered the bar oh so low), and with the best candidates you kinda forget that (lookin at you, Obama), but not with Beto. He’s got ego for days and you can just feel it. That’s what rubs me the wrong

    I think the advertising boost Fox might gain from Warren’s appearance would probably be a similar drop in the bucket as the number of people she’d have any sort of remotely positive impact on, so it’s 6 of one, a half-dozen of another.

    For the most part you’re probably right, but that it’s another part of our bubble-fied thinking to assume that Fox News viewers have the perspective to know that what they’re watching is bullshit.

    Well, like I said, I certainly don’t disagree with the perspective that she’s making the right choice and it’s probably a battle of drops in two different buckets: the increase in advertising revenue for FN she’d generate vs. the increase of any sort of goodwill among FN viewers towards her and her supporters.

    Reposting this response to another post to you as well, because I’d be interested in your thoughts on my take:

    Reposting from another comment: