Fuck off troll.
Fuck off troll.
Only if you also replaced actual history with one where black people enslaved whites, warred with themselves over freeing them and then continued to systematically oppress them. Then I guess you could just swap the words and pretend that meant something.
I think you’re a racist piece of shit which makes you dumb as fucking dirt.
My Catholic grandmother got her marriage ANNULLED after over 20 years and five children (one of whom was actually with another man when she ran away from the family for a year but then came back and had ANOTHER child with my grandfather) - yeah, churches are real tough on divorced heterosexuals.
Not to mention that when he says “everyone should be free to love who they want free from the judgement of their fellow man” there’s some implication there of who will be judging them. Fucking Christians, man, we don’t judge you (lol) but we do have some pretty strong opinions on who will be judging you and how.
Never forget: Ben Carson is a fucking BRAIN SURGEON.
Exactly - that’s the frequently unspoken part of this “issue” (and it exists everywhere - no more publicly derided and legislatively bullied groups here in Nova Scotia, Canada than teachers and nurses) - the workers involved are predominantly women and the people deciding their fates are predominantly men. Huh, two of…
Because what people say tells you what they think - that’s how words work.
We all fucking know what you really think.
I agree that Blackface was just as racist 30 years ago (or whenever) as it is today, the only question to me is whether or not it should be a career death sentence and I think time lapsed should be a mitigating factor? Assuming a clear record of change and genuine remorse? Though perhaps for some positions termination…
Letting them in? The visibly intoxicated are his fucking base!
How do YOU spell “anther”?
A good compromise is when both sides are dissatisfied?
Seriously! We’re going to let Amazon SELL THE MOST STUFF and not even insist somehow that they use eco-friendly shipping materials?
You can’t be a parent. Otherwise you’d know that fucking with your kid is one of the great joys in life. They will believe literally anything you tell them!
No one should stand up when they pee unless it’s a public or filthy bathroom. I’ve got perfect aim but the last time I peed standing up in bare feet was the last time I peed standing up at home - liquid falling from a height into more liquid equals unavoidable microsplashes; i.e. piss on your floor. Don’t do it!
His podcast “Black on the Air” is fantastic! Check it out!
I can say that Larry Wilmore would most likely agree with the venal vs. mortal analogy (to give you one example of how a black man feels about it). He sees a moral difference between in using face makeup for imitation vs. mockery. I’m inclined to agree.
I believe this woman.