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    And it lasts well into adulthood - just ask Brett Kavanaugh!

    Yeah, but I heard there’s an even longer video that shows why his use of the N-word wasn’t THAT bad.

    As particularly symbolic as this specific instance may be, it’s been white supremacy in action since the fucking founding of America, so don’t act so surprised. Or disheartened. Keep being good. Actually, be even better!  

    I agree with the asshole part, but we’ve got to move away from “kill yourself” - it always comes off weak.

    A wish for Trump to drop dead should easily pass the lips of any human being with any amount of common sense and decency - why would you hold back?

    You’re absolutely right. Unfortunately feeling stupidly optimistic about people engaging with me in good faith is one of my white privileges.

    He deserves to feel loved. I doubt he ever has.

    I feel really bad for that child and the life he must have had to get him to the point where he could look into that man’s face with those dead eyes and that empty smirk. I was probably about 16 when I saw my first Drum Circle and even at that young, cynical age it was a moving experience - it got into my blood and

    You think that’s going to be deal-breaker?

    Whoa, wait - ANY form of deism? So you’re saying that ANYTHING you can think of - that God is Michael Jackson’s sequined glove and when you die you go see the Glove and it talks to you through one of those little hand mouths you make with your thumb and index finger and it’s wearing Groucho Marx glasses and it

    Oh no, he actually just tried a like, “I’m older and wiser” thing on you, dude! While he spouts absolute fucking drivel! He can’t get that one side is coming to a reasoned opinion based on all of the available evidence, and the other is just making shit up based on nothing. There is no practical standard of

    Um, no. And no need to squabble about semantics, by any standard you’re wrong on that one.

    No, that’s not true. Anyone who claims to KNOW anything about this unknowable stuff is a nutjob, yes, but most atheists, such as myself, aren’t saying they KNOW there is no god, we’re saying we don’t believe there is a god. Big difference - and even famous grating atheists like Ricky Gervais will tell you he’s not

    I don’t know, man. While I agree that arguments about it being a tool for control (what the fuck isn’t these days?) and stuff like that sound like me when I was 18, as I approach my 40s and the last of my willingness to suffer bullshit starts to fade, I find it hard not to have broad, generalized feelings about the

    This is some dumb snark. “What’s your problem with her hard work will pay off schtick? SHE SAID we have to completely overhaul American society, economics and politics first.” 

    This is a bullshit comment. That most definitely deserved a “hmm”. It’s not a flat out rejection of what she said, but a “what EXACTLY do you mean by that?” kinda “hmm”. Is she suggesting that it’s an unwillingness to work hard that keeps people out of the middle class? Is there even really a middle class anymore? I

    Well allow me: It is a fact that Steve King is a racist.

    I feel like blackmail gets a bad rap. I mean, fabricating evidence of a wrongdoing in order to get something from someone feels like a crime, but if I, say, catch my married boss having sex with his assistant, why shouldn’t I be able to extract a little hush-money for that? Or at least be allowed to give it a try?

    If by “at this point” you mean October 7, 1996, you’re right!

    Am I the only one who grew up not really getting credit for simply doing the right thing, especially when it was easy to do?