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    “Outright violence? No.”

    Hmm, I’d have to think that right about now, “hysteria” is the appropriate response to the willful theft of an election.

    That’s no way to talk about your Ordained-by-God Future President.

    Oh God, that’s satisfying to watch. I’m not big on real-life violence - I find UFC a little too much to stomach - but I can watch racists getting their skulls bashed in All. Fucking. Day.

    Damn, what are workers going to do with that “healthy bump” of $84/month - probably spend it on decadent luxuries like the 1-percenter, capitalist pigs they’ve become.

    “Florida really needs tbrains.”

    But if you say THOUSANDS of such things are you not being overly generous/naive to assume that none of them or even less than 1% of them are deliberate fucking lies? Come on man, he’s a fucking liar, end of story.

    At one point can we ascertain then that someone is lying? How do you prove “knowingly and intentionally” without them actually saying so?

    Yeah, asshole, and if a man can publicly say LITERALLY THOUSANDS - fucking THOUSANDS - of things that AREN’T TRUE and not be called a liar, then the word has no fucking meaning anymore.

    Exactly - I think a good parallel is Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk - you can be Kirk without being Shatner-as-Kirk and I think Alden pulled off a fine Solo without being Ford-as-Solo.

    As far as a counterpoint goes, this is about as good as it gets.

    You could have stopped with “You’re a fool” for this guy.

    I don’t think anything would really change? If his interviews with slightly-hostile journalists are already Trump Censored, I don’t really see much of a difference.

    It won’t work *SOB* The man is president because the media uses him to make money and the media uses him to make money because he’s president. They’re probably hoping he declares himself dictator for life.

    I know this gets asked over and over but why the fuck is the press playing along with this creep? Why interview him? I know talking to the POTUS seems like something you HAVE to do, but, in this case, you don’t! There is not one fucking bit of information about anything other than Trump’s own personal twisted view of

    No, my mom already declared “Trumping” as the word for when you tell lies that you don’t care at all whether anyone actually believes. Being believed is the whole point of lying so you can’t really call it lying.

    Sad(!) that the story here is no longer about how the President of the United States talks like a teenage bullying asshole.

    Center for American Progress and Third Way: more traitors or just stupid? Democrats are going to tip-toe down the center for another fucking loss come November if they listen to this shit.

    I have a documented claim to Aboriginal ancestory in my country - my father has Métis Status- but I make no claims to that heritage. I have all the privileges of a white man - double-dipping for the few benefits that status brings would be insincerely capitalizing on a genetic fluke. 

    Even though you’re a raging dildo fire, that’s too funny not to give you props.