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    You. Aren’t. Doing. Shit. Why?

    Wrong Ford.

    Yeah but we still haven’t quite entered the fucking Twilight Zone (yet).

    Believe me I’m not smug - though even Doug Ford has SOME idea of how a politician is supposed to act. But yes, the disease certainly seems to be spreading to Canada...

    Yes! That is the spirit!

    Nope and look you arrogant schmuck - there are worst-type-of-Americans on both sides of the political spectrum. You’re a leftist one. Preferable but still annoying. THE LEFT IS NOT DOING ENOUGH. IF YOU WERE YOU WOULDNT BE GETTING STEAMROLLED ON EVERY. SINGLE. ISSUE. I see a very small percentage of you giving maximum

    Similar for sure though Obama is smarter and better at it than JT. To be fair to Obama though, his lack of real political achievement is probably more attributable to external forces of racism than an internal lack of will.

    I’m not assuming anything - just pointing out the dangers of laughing at this kind of behaviour from your president. But to be honest, given the direness of the situation, the Resistance is spending a bit too much time making clever comments on the internet and not enough time hitting the fucking streets.

    Haha - I realized what was happening as I was typing it but said fuck it - being overly apologetic ain’t the worst stereotype!

    Justin is a genuinely decent fellow - educated and well-mannered - good-looking - all the qualities of a good figurehead - I wouldn’t say he’s a particularly good politician though - he might not get re-elected.

    That would be a awesome.

    I see you buddy. And I hear you - I’m not suggesting you don’t laugh at stuff - especially late night comics - I guess it’s the laughing directly at what he does/says that bothers - it’s not really funny. To me. Really you should just laugh at whatever you want - I didn’t mean to sound so bossy! My main point was

    You always have to one-up us...

    Canadian here. Um guys, just so you don’t worry that it’s you who’s going crazy or whatever, from the outside looking in this is the most surreal fucking shit we’ve ever seen. We are at once amused, distainful, embarrassed for you and deeply fearful about how this plays out.

    Melania’s a fucking idiot. Stop interviewing her.

    But our criticism of him is implicit in our criticism of her. Our criticism of her is basically for not criticizing him. We want her to win! And we want her to stand up for herself! Here is a woman who, for many valid reasons, was afraid to really stand up for herself and we’re here saying you have our support!


    I fucking hate Stephen Miller so please don’t accuse me of being some sort of apologist - I’m a pitchforks and guillotines kinda guy at this point - but I wouldn’t want to see an article talking about a current 8-year-old like that and I feel a little uncomfortable with talking about a past 8-year-old like that, you

    Last year’s winners are all so fucking scary. I mean, the dog one is actually kind of sweet, but it’s still one of the most unsettling things I ever read.
