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    Canadian here. Um guys, just so you don’t worry that it’s you who’s going crazy or whatever, from the outside looking in this is the most surreal fucking shit we’ve ever seen. We are at once amused, distainful, embarrassed for you and deeply fearful about how this plays out.

    Melania’s a fucking idiot. Stop interviewing her.

    But our criticism of him is implicit in our criticism of her. Our criticism of her is basically for not criticizing him. We want her to win! And we want her to stand up for herself! Here is a woman who, for many valid reasons, was afraid to really stand up for herself and we’re here saying you have our support!


    I fucking hate Stephen Miller so please don’t accuse me of being some sort of apologist - I’m a pitchforks and guillotines kinda guy at this point - but I wouldn’t want to see an article talking about a current 8-year-old like that and I feel a little uncomfortable with talking about a past 8-year-old like that, you

    Last year’s winners are all so fucking scary. I mean, the dog one is actually kind of sweet, but it’s still one of the most unsettling things I ever read.


    I always find it so cute when someone thinks a lock will keep out a truly determined murderer.

    Is there a word for when you’re watching or reading something and already KNOW what’s going to happen, but you still find yourself hoping it might somehow turn out differently? Even while fully aware of Georgie’s inevitable demise, I’m thinking, “Just leave the boat and run away, Georgie! This time just please run

    I’ve got a three-year-old and this movie is going to take me “there” for sure.

    This looks good - the original has enough room for improvement that it’s hardly sacrilege to do a remake and a recent re-watch of the new IT (goddamn that’s a good movie) has me feeling like we’re in a good place for King adaptations. I still prefer Herman Munster’s reading of “Sometimes dead is better” but other than

    You’d only be disappointed in the end!

    With the full understanding that it should be the sole responsibility of men to make this all better by just fucking off and being better, I don’t think we’re capable. You’re going to have to keep fighting. I think we can get to a point where men stop resisting, but not if you don’t stop fighting. And the past few

    Jesus - calling out someone for a public display of aggression and disrespect is considered “cutthroat”? I can’t imagine feeling so defeated that I would think that way. Show some spirit!

    I don’t think you’re truly grasping the stakes here - I’m not saying it definitely is, but it could be the LAST battle we’re entering here. I know that sounds hyperbolic but you have to understand that to the outside world - I’m Canadian so not that far outside (uncomfortably close to be honest) - what’s happening in

    lol “This needs to be more provable”. Jesus Christ, like I said, people who need their house to be on fire to really believe their house actually could catch fire.

    Swing voters can swing on my nuts. Non-voters are the lesser of two deplorables that need to be targeted in this election. The non-voting, “both parties basically suck” far lefties especially.

    See, I hate that argument. People are just as likely to find ways to profit from factual situations as they are from bullshit. I see that thrown out there all the time as if there wasn’t a much larger, already established industry profiting from people not believing in anthropocentric climate change. Yes, it’s Big

    Yeah, I’ve got what would be considered small hands, and it sort of bugs me that people shame him about that, but, at the same time, his attitude about himself makes me want to poke at any chink in his armour of self-confidence. I understand how penis-size is a bit more of a sensitive issue though.

    Cool, now tell me all about how vaccines and GMOs are going to give us autism/turn us into spiders!