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    But you know, what the left especially (but really anyone discussing this bullshit at all) needs to stop doing is acting like “intelligence” - even if it could be measured accurately and meaningfully - would somehow be THE attribute that defines superiority. Successful (?) human evolution has been a product of complex

    You are failing to grasp the seriousness of the situation.

    America has no choice but to work within the two party system, so it seems very clear to me: Do your damnedest to make a progressive your Democratic candidate (or your Democratic incumbent a progressive) but, failing that, fucking vote Democrat no matter what. Jesus.

    That is light-years away from ALL you can do.

    Oh, really? Just now, huh?

    How much further down this path are YOU going to LET your country go? DO something you cowards!

    My point was more that calling an Asian-American woman an asshole for being “racist” towards white people made you an asshole but I like the paradox thing too.

    Not necessarily, but it certainly doesn’t preclude you from being an asshole.

    No, I think she knew with perfect accuracy that only the shitty white people would be offended by the tweets.

    White boy here - I’ll answer that: yes, yes, and mine’s good but his probably sucks.

    So stop being one then ffs.

    JUST AS BAD AS THEM? “White men are bullshit” “It must be so boring being white” VS. “SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DOG EATING GOOK”??? It’s false equivalencies like this that are fucking ruining discourse and nothing will ever get better until people like you start realizing that things are fucking different from each other.

    I’m not sure you do get it. The horrible tweets that she’s been on the receiving end of were all I needed to see (a) where she was coming from, (b) why she would say what she said and (c) what she meant by it. Assuming you’re white - have you ever honestly been deeply hurt or offended by a white racial slur or a jab

    Your country spends a ridiculous amount of money on weapon systems while citizens starve.

    Sorry, is the suggestion here that Paramount was PETTY for not wanting to SHUT DOWN PRODUCTION of their TOM CRUISE BLOCKBUSTER so ANOTHER STUDIO could shave one of their actor’s mustache? Warner Bros. was INSANE to ask, McQuarrie was amazingly kind and generous to even suggest that solution to WB’s problem, and

    And you should. As a socialist I say this with no animus: you and your family were the beneficiaries of some top-of-the-line government welfare programs - it’s great - too bad there isn’t more of that and less money wasted on ridiculous jets and such.

    Seriously - shut down production over a mustache shave for another studio? That’s bonkers.

    To be fair, that $20,800/year job usually involves doing something that contributes at least a little to society.

    Great post. I hate to see people thinking military personnel don’t get paid enough to mostly do fuck-all of any real value.

    (a) Rosanne didn’t say “that type” of stuff and (b) what she said was practically yesterday not a decade ago. The two aren’t comparable.