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    If Lynda Carter wants a cameo in Wonder Woman 2, give her a fucking cameo in Wonder Woman 2.

    You should try to be less long-winded when you’re totally missing the point of something. LIFE has not gone extinct since it started about 3.5 billion years ago. Many species have - as you correctly noted, at a rate that you could round up to 100% - but LIFE, through many mass extinctions, has always found a way, and

    I laughed really hard at your modern translation of that fable - nicely done.

    Canadian here - is Good Friday not just a day when pretty much everything is closed in the US?

    Oh shit, “Intruders” (along with “Communion”) changed my life when I was about 8 years old - in the sense that I went from a pretty normal kid with normal fears to being absolutely terrified of being anywhere alone at night, certain that I was being visited by aliens. It’s never completely left me - I feel some

    Shit, I get how the side effects of the question being on the census are not good, BUT, “Are you an American citizen?” seems like a super-valid question to have on a statistical analysis of America’s population, so I’m sort of torn between the social and the scientific on this one. I mean, I’m not for anything that

    Hercules IS trash, sir, well said.

    I offer three rebuttalances:

    He means he doesn’t really understand what schizophrenia is and should probably stop using the word in a derogatory manner for what he thinks it means.

    Closest one to right I’ve seen.

    Sad to see that you’re letting feminism (a good thing) cloud your reasoning when it comes to not acknowledging Lion King as the greatest Disney movie of all time. I love Moana, but come on.

    Bah, you’re probably in Toronto or something, eh?

    Yeah, I remember when the piddly savings account I had as a kid in the 80s was actually paying interest.

    lol...I just meant it’s not my long-term savings vehicle, but you know, sometimes the car needs new brakes, sometimes the TV stand needs a new TV.

    Savings Accounts suck so hard though - I have about $2,000 in one just for emergencies/fun and it makes less than 20 cents a month!

    Even if that were true, and maybe there’s an argument to be made for that, publicly executing them all is FUCKING WRONG. Period.

    Exactly, either hulk up or invoke their demon powers.

    Whoa there, I’m all for police being punished for their crimes, but attacking someone for their “weak slippery slope argument” after you just fucking suggesting publicly executing ALL cops is bonkers.

    That just got Jim a like and a follow from me!

    Canadian here - the “eh?” thing is accurate.