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    LOL another “Stephen King isn’t a great writer” hot take. You know what a writer is, right?

    “Good” destroyed or “bad” destroyed?

    Nope, still an idiot.

    Shit I read that and was picturing David Spade - fortunately I got over the shock of finding out he was dead and had processed my grief in the 5 seconds it took me to realize the error.

    So, fuckwit (sorry, sorry - I’ve got a bit of Tourette’s), are you suggesting that LOLOL (sorry) Trump loathes any of those things? He basically IS all of those things. Get your fucking tinfoil hat stories straight before you go attacking articles like this. MAYBE Big Money sought to get rid of Jackson as a big Fuck

    Um, no.

    I don’t expect Trump and his lackeys to actually not be racist, sexist idiots, but it boggles the mind that there isn’t anybody in the administration with some concern for optics who can exert a bit of influence over these decisions.

    “It really salts my apples”? You fuckin geek.

    You are an idiot that is blind to reality. You have no perspective. Your opinion is of no value to anyone. How fucking dare you just declare that white racism towards black people is over?! Did you watch the fucking news two weeks ago you stupid twat?

    “Okay” isn’t really the right word - fuck, you simpletons have so much trouble with nuance. I wouldn’t even call black mistrust of white people “racism” so much as a logical reaction to a factual reality. I wish they didn’t have to feel that way - it’s not “okay” in that sense - but I completely understand where

    Love these “Start with a Title and Go From There” shows.


    If you weren’t a racist piece of shit, doing it right would just come naturally.

    So did I. I’m translating your answer to “yes”.

    Yeah, as far as I can tell, as a relatively poor, white guy, my contribution to the problem at hand is limited to: (a) understanding there is a fucking problem, (b) not contributing to the problem by perpetuating racist bullshit (or asking black people to tell me how I can help - I promise I would never do that), (c)

    You really are a boring motherfucker, eh?

    The idea that any of us has much of any kind of free will is largely an illusion. Stacking the deck against an entire group of people and expecting them to make better choices is just plain fucking insane. Black people should fucking kill us all for what whats been done and continues to be done to them.

    And of course a dumbshit like you can only see the numbers and not that the factors behind those numbers are the result of centuries of white oppression and racism.

    I don’t agree with the blanket (stupid, racist) statement that “black people are killing themselves and others”, but insofar as their may be (MAY be) any disproportionality in black crime, yes, that is due to factors imposed on them by white people. You stupid fuck. And fuck no you’re not Hitler - you think you’re at

    I was giving you an analogy that a 7th grader could understand to help illustrate my point. I don’t think you’re Nazi-level racist, just a run of the mill dumbass racist. And my mind is forever open to not-stupid things. Try me.