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    No social media has to be the biggest one, right? I can’t even imagine the kinda pressure that puts on a kid - especially one who doesn’t have a “great” social life (whatever that means). I was fortunate to have a great high school experience but if I had’ve had photographic evidence rubbed in my face that I often

    She’s a lucky lady.

    Yeah, I was going to say, that’s how I hope I die.

    I’m with you - I have a 2-year-old son which adds a touch of sting to the whole idea but I’m not a speciesest, I’m a Darwinist, and if humanity is collectively willing to run headfirst into a wall of extinction, I can make peace with the fact of it. I don’t like seeing bad things happen to anyone/thing but when you’ve

    Quiet you - some of us have been waiting 2000 years for that New Testament sequel teased in Revelations!

    “Did Joseph Daniel Hudek IV deserve—” STOP. Yes, he deserves every bad thing that could possibly happen to a human being.

    Maybe Bonds thought the officer was reaching for her gun and he felt threatened?

    Stupid always doubles down on being stupid - that’s an easy way to tell if someone said something stupid because they’re stupid or because they’re simply misguided or misinformed on an issue. You doubled down.

    You’re both stupid.

    It’s almost like you’re not a professional athlete and don’t have a sweet clue what you’re talking about.

    Stupid comment.

    You should all watch the Ali G/Buzz Aldrin interview because:

    Game, settle, match!

    lol, like they don’t already

    Wait, what? A 9-year-old goes to visit his uncle, goes missing for two days and is found drowned in a pond and you don’t think the uncle is negligent somehow? I mean specifically blaming the fence is maybe a bit strange, but yeah, if you’re just going to let young special-needs kids wander the grounds of your estate

    If you’re looking for someone on the inside to help you out, I volunteer. I promise I’ll kill myself when it’s all over. If something else - an insect or something - maimed, killed and just plain hurt people at the same rate as human men, we wouldn’t think twice about wiping them all out.

    Hey, I’m white! If any walnuts out there want me to do some criming for them I’d be happy to oblige!

    I did and it’s not! But I’m glad you enjoyed it!

    This fucking cock has the balls to say to “his” people - poor, stupid, uneducated fucks that they are - that the, what, at least $250,000 salary of the Secretary of Commerce is PEANUTS?! Jesus, I’ve heard of some stupid fucking peasants in my day, but Trump supporters are the stupidest. “Your” president thinks you’re