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    I hate the idea of losing the venue that is Real Time with Bill Maher - it’s a show I appreciate, not for the host, but for what it provides in terms of a saner view of politics and a place for the left and right to both get challenged.

    Oh, this is the line we’re going with on this one, you fucking muppet?

    Gross. Stupid and gross.

    “Why if there is a god, would he put a woman in such pain, not only did she lose her child, she lost two, and on top of that, murdered in front of her.”

    Oh, fuck off.

    “Frei said in the apology the source of his anti-Japan angst was rooted in his father having fought in World War II.”

    Two things: (1) I watched this movie a couple months ago and was BLOWN AWAY. It is a masterpiece. Always dismissed it as another bland Hanks/Ryan rom-com. I was so wrong. (2) Coming out on blu-ray in a few weeks if you’re into that sort of thing! I am!

    I think “respected by pretty much the whole world” is inaccurate. I think most of the Western World sees you as incredibly ignorant, shallow, decadent, greedy, selfish, self-righteous and hypocritical. If you asked the average non-American to draw a caricature of an American it would be like a fat, white slob eating a

    Yeah, I agree in some part - obviously all American’s aren’t “bad” - but I remember back when the idea of President Trump still felt safely hypothetical, saying that it did somehow feel like the logical culmination of American culture and society. Like, OF COURSE, Donald Trump is going to become president - it’s

    Ah man, this kind of thing would annoy me. JAWS has been my favourite movie since I was 4 years old, but I’m a frequent ocean swimmer who has never really thought twice about getting attacked by a shark. But if I actually KNEW the fucker was in the same relative neighbourhood? Dammit, it would freak me out in spite of

    Weird, but fine, whatever.

    I’m sorry you’re depressed.

    Not claiming to be tough. Trying to help two women deal with an aggressive lunatic has nothing to do with being tough. Regardless, I’d rather be an internet tough guy than an internet selfish coward.

    Can’t we just start killing these people yet??? I feel like we’d only need to publicly guillotine maybe 4-500 people and the rest would straighten the fuck up.


    Baahaaaa - that’s all you’ve got? Oh my, what a cunt you are. lol

    Right, I think maybe she was making light of the fact that men not only SAID that shit for centuries, they actually DID it too.

    No one’s talking about being a hero. To me stepping in in a situation like this is just bare minimum humanity. I would HAVE to. I’d wish it wasn’t happening, but it would haunt me if I didn’t do something.

    Right, you’re projecting your personal cowardice onto other people. It’s fine, it might help you live a bit longer until you die a coward.

    Amen, brother.